Chapter 18

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The next month passed slowly. Ever so agonisingly slowly. It just consisted of different trips to the hospital. Trips to the shopping centre and other trips. We had all of the baby essentials now and we had set up an the cot in our room.

I had been in contact with my mum. Of course I explained everything. She was shocked but soon grew very excitable and happy I had finally given her what she wanted - a God damn grandchild.

Jessie thought it was mandatory for her to spend every waking minute with Harper. It sad quite sad to be honest. She rarely left her side. She just made enough time to shower and sleep. As the other premature babies developed well they slowly began to be released. Although it was disheartening to see those families being able to leave with their children it didn't affect me nearly as much as it affected Jessie. I presumed it was because she spent more time with the babies mothers who also found it hard to leave their children. Jessie was at the hospital right now. And it was only 9am. The long nights and early mornings caused Jessie to become run down and she was doing herself no favours. Even though she was almost completely healed she still had to be weary about her limits, something I wasn't too sure she cared about.

Just then my phone bleeped.

'Rowan, come to the hospital. Jess XX'

I hurried around the house gathering my belongings before driving to the hospital. Jessie's text had worried me. Was there something wrong with her or Harper? I got there soon after leaving. I rang Jessie as I locked the car and walked across the car park asking her where she was.

I entered the NICU and walked to Harper's ward. It finally looked like the others. Baby stuff sitting around and a few milk bottles here and there as the doctors were now trying to feed her through a tit. She had blankets and clothes here too as we were now allowed to dress her. However, her coming home bag stayed in her car seat which was located beside our front door.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" I asked Jessie as I arrived. she hugged me instantly.

"The doctors said they are going to try and take her off the ventilator. The scans show that her lungs are almost fully developed now!" Jessie beamed.

"That is fantastic!" I smiled back, kissing Jessie lovingly.

The doctor then came and and instructed us about what was going to happen. He warned us that it may not go well, that she may need full treatment before she was able to breathe on her own. I was nervous as they turned the ventilator off. They unhooked the machine so she only had the small nostril tubes at her nose and slowly peeled off the harsh tape from her beautiful little face. She began to cry.

"What's going on?" I asked, urgently rushing to the incubator.

"It's fine, she's doing well," the doctor informed me.

"Crying is a good sign, right?" Jessie asked.

"Yes, of course," the doctor assured. "It means her lungs are strong enough for her to breathe by herself."

The doctor took some measurements and some blood before going to record his findings.

"You will be able to hold her now," the doctor informed us. He lifted Harper out of the incubator and put her into Jessie's arms before leaving.

The sight before me was one of the most perfect things I had ever seen. Harper fit into Jessie's hands as she was still very small. The smile on Jessie's face was heart stopping. I had the biggest sense of pride right now as Jessie placed her finger in Harper's hand. She fell asleep in Jessie's arms and Jessie stood smiling at her. I went over and wrapped my arm around Jessie's waist and placed my other on Harpers head feeling her soft blonde hair. This moment was absolutely perfect.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now