Chapter 11

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"Oh my freaking God," Jessie almost shrieked coming into the bathroom.

""What is wrong?" I asked stepping out of the shower.

"You, we are leaving in 20 minutes and you're still not dried much less dressed yet!" Jessie scolded.

"Calm down babe it's going to be fine," I assured her.

I moved quickly, getting dried off and drying my hair before getting into my black skinnys. I put on my crisp white shirt buttoning it the whole way up and tucking it in at the waist before adding a leather jacket. I opted for natural makeup with a simple black waterline. I didn't often wear makeup but when I did, this was my signature look. I put the normal amount of wax in my hair and put on my normal aftershave.

"Hey hot stuff," Jessie smirked as I came out of the bathroom putting my watch on. I placed my hands on her waist.

"I'm kinda nervous," I confessed.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Jessie placed a kiss on my lips.

"If your by my side what else matters?" I asked grinning.

We made our way to the venue and walked the carpet. I posed with Jessie for pictures, smiling by best smile.

"You're a God damn natural," Jessie grinned.

"Well, thank you," I beamed.

We took our seats and waited for the ceremony to begin. Jessie introduced me to some of her celebrity friends and I had a beer. Yeah, because I'm a piece of trash who doesn't drink wine nor champagne which they offered. When the event began I watched as talent upon talent received recognition for their work and clapped enthusiastically when necessary. Then the best female video was called and Jessie's nomination was showed. A fair amount of people applauded.

"And the winner of best female video is, Jessie J!"

"Go on!" I beamed as she hesitantly stood and made her way to stage where she thanked everyone in her team, her heartbeats and her friends and family.

After a short interval the ceremony continued. It was a very nice evening. Soon Jessie's third and final nomination came up.

"The award for best choreography goes to... Burning Up."

"Oh my freaking God. Rowan come on," she said grabbing my hand and pulling me with her.

"Again, thank you to everyone who voted. It means everything to me. I'd like to thank this girl right beside me because she worked so hard during this and I couldn't have done it without her. This is more your's than mine," Jessie grinned passing me the award.

I simply smiled. "Thank you everyone."

We didn't stay long for the party as it was growing late and we wanted to get home. At 12.30 we left.

After getting home the exhaustion of the evening swept me away as I yawned, "Imagine the headlines tomorrow."

"I don't care about the headlines. I care about you. Tonight was perfect, thank you," Jessie said sincerely.

"What are you thanking me for beautiful?" I asked, placing a strand of hair that had fallen down through the night behind her ear before letting my hand rest at the back of her neck.

"Because you really deserved that award. The hard work you put into helping me with the video was phenomenal and I'll never be able to thank you enough," Jessie explained.

"Don't be silly darling, you know I'd do anything for you," I reminded her. She nodded.

"I really love you," Jessie smiled.

"I really love you too," I replied. She stepped closer capturing her lips in mine. Her soft lips moving completely and utterly with mine, in complete synchronization. I tipped my head forward gaining height on her and Jessie moaned slightly. She took a few steps back and I fell onto our bed. Her hands brushed off my jacket as my hands caressed her back. There was no rush, no need, no urgency. All that mattered was here and now. Jessie kissed down my neck and my hands ventured into her hair. She pulled back from the kiss and unpinned her hair letting it fall down her back.

God damn she was beautiful.

My right arm went to her waist to pull us up the bed using the strength in my other arm. She lay on top of me as our passionate kisses continued. Her fingers grazing my neck causing me to shiver. Jessie reached for the buttons on my shirt and unbuttoned it, slowly peeling off my clothing. My hands found their way to the top of her back as I unzipped her dress. She shrugged out of it before sliding down my legs and taking off my trousers. As I kissed her chest we both lost our bras. She slid out of her underwear and slid mine down my legs. With a giggle she took them from my ankles and threw them across the room. They landed on the award trophy. Our lips met once again as my hands slowly ran over her body. 

I kissed her passionately before kissing down her jaw. I sucked on her neck like she had done to mine just long enough to leave a small mark above her collar bone.


 I crawled up her body again and kissed her forehead.

"I love you," I whispered before shuffling closer to her side and falling into a blissful slumber.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now