Chapter 12

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I didn't enjoy the next few weeks very much. Jessie was working long hours at the studio. She had to finish vocals on a few more songs before they began to finish everything up. It was stressful she said. Upon reflection that's probably why things have been so hectic and chaotic recently. It's probably just Jessie's way of relieving some of that stress. Sometimes she'd be jumping from the ceiling at how productive she'd been that day then the next day she'd be hotwired to some sexual engine and there would be no stopping her and and sometimes she would be grumpy as hell and I could couldn't even breathe without her blowing a gasket. I didn't complain though. I'd help her anyway I would.

"Hey baby, you hungry?" I asked.

"No, not really," Jessie sighed.

"Cheer up buttercup," I smiled.

"I just want to go to bed," Jessie said.

I grabbed two bottles of water and took them up stairs with us. Jessie hopped into bed and I hopped in beside her. She turned around so she was facing me.

"I don't want to go tomorrow," Jessie sighed.

"It's okay to have an off day you know baby, you can always put the work in another day. There is absolutely no need for you to stress because you have been putting so much effort in recently. It's bound to be taking it's toll on you," I consoled her, pushing her hair off her face.

"Can we watch a film and order Chinese?" Jessie asked.

"Of course we can beautiful," I got out of bed and put Juno on because why the hell not? I asked Jessie what she wanted before placing an order for delivery and going downstairs to grab some plates and glasses as we'd be eating in bed, because again, why the hell not? It seemed like the perfect idea to me.


"Tell me this," I said after scooting up next to her after we had eaten and watched the film. "What's one thing you hate about me?" I asked.

I saw her eyebrows knot together as she thought about this.

"I hate how you always seem to know how to make a situation better. And I don't hate it because it's bad, I hate it because you don't even recognise you do it," she stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, a little confused by her response.

"Like when I feel like crap you know exactly what to do to make things better, you know what to say, you know how to act. You just know. I hate it most when I've pissed you off and you know that we need like 10 minutes away from each other to diffuse the situation, and time to think before I apologise," she explained smiling.

"I do that?" I asked her.

"Yeah and I hate how I don't."

"Then you didn't really answer my question. I asked what you hate about me, not about you," I smirked. She chuckled at my reply.

"Then I guess I hate how you bite your lip so much, and especially when you do it so much you get huge ulcers. It does my head in," she smiled.

"Hmm, yeah. I know, they hurt," I replied.

I kissed Jessie forehead. That had to be one of my favourite things about us. It didn't matter what was going on we were still able to have stupid unmeaningful conversation about the stupidest stuff ever. That and how she cuddled onto my side when she was about to all asleep. Just like she had now.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now