Chapter 20

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I inhaled the beautiful fragrance of Jessica's shampoo. I loved the strawberry aroma so much I had adopted it myself. She slowly turned around to face me as my arms laced themselves around her waist. She played with the hair on the back of my head, something which we had both became quite accustomed to, much to my enjoyment, as I trailed my fingertips up and down the inside of her right arm. I stared into her green eyes for God knows how long. I relished in the moment. Something which again, had become second nature due to the sheer rarity of moments like these recently as our little bundle didn't tend to be joyful a lot of the time. Okay, perhaps that's was a small exaggeration, however, Jessie and I were finding it harder than anticipated to juggle baby time and alone time. Just then the little squirmer started to stir, before the muffled cries began. I checked my phone for the time - 7am. He was probably hungry.

"I'll get her," I announce to Jessie before placing a kiss on her luscious lips. "See if you can get a few more z's."

I rolled out of bed finding my glasses and pulling on some lounge trousers that were lying on the floor before picking the little rascal out of her cot and taking her downstairs to fetch her some breakfast.

"Shhhh," I hushed Harper as I winded her over my back in the kitchen. It was 7am and I was in the process of giving Harper her morning feed while my mom made the two of us coffee. Everyone else was in bed.

"Oh for flipsake," I groaned, as I heard a very recognisable sound before warm liquid trickled down my back. I brought Harper to my chest and sure enough her little mouth was oozing the all too familiar bodily liquid. I groaned once more before cleaning her little mouth.

"Give her here," my mum muffled quietly.

I carefully handed Harper over to my mum who sat her on her knee and began rubbing her small back gently. Sure enough Harper let out belch after belch until she had finished the 4oz of milk she drunk. My mum then handed her back to me.

"You're still scared of her," my mum smirked.

"You make it look so easy," I told her. "Night feeds are an ass."

"Rowan, first, you're not going to break her," she began, teaching me how to hold her. "Second, they are indeed exhausting but they'll grow few. And finally, you're doing great. It's only been a week and you're doing fab, trust me."

"I'll get used to it," I smiled, brushing her off. I lifted my head after fastening her baby grow as I had finished changing her nappy to see Jessie stood at the bottom of the stairs in her pyjama shorts smiling.

"She's doing great Karen," Jessie smiled coming over resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks," I smiled on return.

"I was talking about the baby," Jessie smirked, my mother bursting into it's of giggles.

"Well fecking thank you," I replied, tickling her sides.

"Rowan, mind your language around the child," my mum warned. Now Jessie giggled.

"I'm going to put Harper in her chair and see if she'll go over before I get dressed," I announced. "You should put on some clothes Cornish," I teased before smacking Jessie's semi-bare ass.

I went to the living room and strapped Harper into her chair and after I placed her pink blanket over her I bounced the chair lightly. As she quietened down I overheard Jessie and my mum talking.

"I love how happy you make her. It makes me happy," my mum said.

"She makes me happy too," Jessie replied. I could almost hear the smile on her face.

"It's nice to see you both happy. You really are great together, and you both deserve the world," she responded.

I could do nothing but smile. It made me happy that Jessie got on well with my family. Because it was important to me that they did get on as one day I hoped that Jessie and my family could become family, officially.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now