Chapter 13

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Please remember that this is purely fictional...

"Four for you Glen Coco, you go Glen Coco, and none for Grechen Weiners bye!"

Jessie laughed at the TV as she sat between my legs watching Mean Girls. Today had been an eventful one. The stress of creating the new album was really getting to Jessie. And I mean really getting to Jessie. I mean she literally blew up in the middle of the supermarket because there was no Penne pasta, only Fuseli and she couldn't make a chicken and broccoli bake with that, God no. There were tears. And then when we got home and the bake was in the oven she had a full blown panic attack. She was very emotional lately. Everything just seemed too catch her in the wrong way. It was only a few lose ends she needed to tie up now though so hopefully it didn't have to last for too much longer.

She reached out to the coffee table to grab the bowl of popcorn before she lay back down with a groan.

"Hey, I'll get it," I said reaching out to grasp the bowl. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing babe. Just cramping up a little. Probably that time of the month coming around again," she sighed.

"No sex for you for a week then," I smirked, teasing her. Suddenly, her eyes grew dark. I knew that look.

"You know that's not true. A little water can work wonders and you'd give me it baby," Jessie smirked in reply.

"That's a little freaking gross," I shuddered.

"You will do as I say," Jessie ordered, flipping around to face me. She was now straddling my legs. She pushed her knee into my crotch making me gasp before launching her mouth to connect with mine very eagerly. There was nothing anyone of us could do about it. My hand slithered up Jessie's thigh as my other hand danced up her top. Our small endeavour did not progress for very far or last very long before Jessie was doubled over in pain.

"Jessie, are you okay?" I questioned worriedly, jumping up from the couch below her and cradling in my arms.

"Yeah, it's just my period coming on fast," she shrugged brushing it off. I lifted her in my arms and took her to our bedroom where I lay her in bed, cocooning her below the blankets. I went to the kitchen and got her a glass of water and some paracetamol. But when I returned to the room Jessie was rolled up in a ball crying in the middle of the bed.

"Here darling, take this, it'll help," I told her putting the pain killers in front of her. Of course she took them without complaint. She rolled around the bed still crying before her muffled cries turned into hard sobs.

"I can't lie here," she cried. She got up and changed into light, stripy pyjama bottoms and a tank top before walking out of the room. I was really worried about her. As gut wrenching as period cramps could be I didn't think this amount of pain could simply be her uterus killing itself. I heard a scream from the kitchen. Oh my freaking God. I ran down there to see her slouched over the counter. She was in so much pain and had broke out into a cold sweat. I didn't know what to do.

"Rowan, call my mum. Please, please call my mum," Jessie begged.

I stood in the middle of the kitchen without a baldie of what I should do. Rowan, get your freaking crap together. And obviously call her mother.

"It's okay baby, I'm on it right now," I told her acting like everything was under control. I quickly dialled the number waiting for Rose to pick up. Finally, she did. I quickly explained what was wrong and a few loud growls and screams from Jessie was all that was needed for her to call in an emergency at work and get over here. She came in to Jessie on the floor with her head between her knees.

"Mum, please make it go away," Jessie begged.

"Baby," I said. "Talk to me. Tell me where it hurts," I pleaded to her tear stained face. Her complexion was slowly changing to an odd off white/grey colour.

"My stomach," she cried, gripping my neck as we attempted to stand up, but really her arms were holding all of her weight as her legs gave way until I supported her bum. We didn't stay in that stance too long before she bent over the counter and hurled into the sink.

"Rowan, I'm going to phone the ambulance. This isn't normal," Rose whispered as I pulled back her hair.

Rose returned quickly and told Jessie the ambulance was on it's way. I went to grab some clothes to make it more comfy for her there. But when I came back Rose was grabbing a pillow for under her head as she had sunk to the floor. Fortunately, we heard the sirens around the corner.

"Row, please don't leave me," Jessie pleaded one again before she shut her eyes.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now