Chapter 3

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The arrow lodged right into the giant part that was on its back. The Thunderjaw turned and its yellow eyes turned red. 

"Uh oh," I said as it came after me. I loaded my bow once more and shot at it, hitting it right in its mouth. This thing wasn't going to go down without a fight.

I moved out of the way as it was almost on top of me. I ran far from it to see it had collided with the mountain we were near. It stunned itself long enough for me to shoot it more. I was soon out of arrows and the Thunderjaw finally regained control over itself. It moved away from the mountain and was after me once more.

"Great," I sighed and tried running to where my dad was, but the Thunderjaw was faster than I was despite its size.

"Dad!" I yelled to them.

"Y/N, faster!"

I tried running faster, but I was slowly losing steam and losing my breath. He seemed much farther than I had anticipated. I wasn't going to get to him in time since I could hear the loud roar of the Thunderjaw.

"Y/N!" my dad yelled and was about to run towards me, but I felt someone grab me and pulled me away from the Thunderjaw.

My dad and the men ducked out of the way and the Thunderjaw rammed itself into another side of the mountain, stunning itself once more. I looked up to see it was the man who I had met earlier this morning. He set me down and Aloy came running up beside me.

"Stay. Make sure she's ok," he said and ran towards the Thunderjaw.

"I-I'm fine," I said.

"You took on a Thunderjaw," Aloy said.

"I didn't really do much."

"You did more than I could and we're about the same age."

I just smiled and nodded slightly, "Who's the man you're always with?"

"Rost. He is training me for The Proving."

"The Proving?"

"Yeah. It's so I can get an answer as to why I am motherless."

"I want to do that, too."

Aloy smiled and we watched as Rost had finished off the Thunderjaw. He walked back over to us and looked between us.

"You ok?" he asked.

I nodded and my father came running over to where Rost and I were. Rost stood up and walked in front of Aloy, keeping his head down.

"There you are, Y/N. Are you hurt?" my dad asked.

"No," I said.

"Are you frightened?"

"No. That was exhilirating!"

He chuckled, but then looked over at Rost.

"You saved my daughter's life," he said. "I thank you."

Rost just nodded before turning around, addressing Aloy. Aloy turned to me and I waved goodbye to her once more, her waving in return.

"Dad, what is The Proving?"

"The Proving? Why ask?"

"Aloy mentioned something of it."

"Y/N, The Proving is a trial of where young Nora tribe members can participate to become a Nora Brave, for those who pass. Those who win, they can get anything they ask for."

"I want to do that."

He chuckled, "Don't you want to be like your mother when you grow up? A gatherer?"

"No, I want to be a brave so I can do good for the tribe."

He looked over to see Aloy and Rost were far from where we were. He turned back to me and just nodded, "Alright. I want you to prove yourself you can be a Nora brave."

"Yay!" I said and ran off to join the other men, since I knew them as they were my father's friends.

"So that outcast doesn't have a chance to win at The Proving."

We returned almost at sundown with the haul we were carrying. We had found a lot of wild animals enough to feed our side of the tribe. I was walking alongside my dad as he was talking to me about what I needed to go through in order to get ready for this proving. When we returned home, my mother greeted us and she was surprised with the bounty we had brought back with us. It was a boar and a rabbit. My dad was going to skin the boar and make it as part of my outfit. As for the rabbit skin, he was going to add it to his collection of animal skins. Once the meat was stripped of its hide, my mother took it inside and started to get dinner ready. I headed off towards the berry fields, in hopes to see Aloy once more.

"Your daughter wants to go through The Proving."

"The Proving? What did you tell her? Did you deny her of it?"



"The outcast known as Aloy is training for it."

"Do you think she gave her the idea?"

"I think so. Anyway, I want her to be better so that she doesn't become one with the tribe. An outcast will always be an outcast."

"I agree. You better train her hard."

"I will train her until she is pleading for rest."

"Don't go too far, honey. She's still a child. You must not put her through what could be considered torture in the old days."

"The old days are long past us. It is time we look forward towards a bright future."

I went past the berry fields to see Aloy was out training some more. Rost wasn't there, so I was in the clear. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and smiled, greeting me.

"Hey, Y/N," she said.

"Hey, Aloy. I wanted to come tell you I will be participating in The Proving."

"You are?"

"Yeah, but I probably won't be able to get past it. You seem to have better talent and skill than I do. I can sense it."

She gave me an odd look, but Rost was coming our way. He looked over at me and shook his head slightly.

"You don't belong out here, little one."

"I just wanted to come and thank you again for saving me."

"You were in trouble. How could I not come and save you."

"Thank you."

"You better get going, little one. The sun is about to set and the machines will become more active than usual."

I nodded and waved once more to Aloy, running off back to my house.

"She said she is going to partake in The Proving."

"Is she now?"


"Well, Aloy, remember what I am about to tell you. You must win it fair and square. If she wins it fair and square, it's her win and there will be another time to prove your worth."

"But I want to prove it to them now."

"In time you will. In time, you most certainly will."

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