Chapter 32

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I opened my eyes when I felt Aloy was stirring. She carefully lifted me up and set me down on the sand. I slowly rose and looked around, seeing the sun was in a bit of a higher position than it was when I first woke up to see the others. She got up, helped me up, and tapped on her Focus.

"Is everyone here?"

"Yeah. We got here when you and Y/N were still sleeping. So we decided to walk about a bit to let you guys sleep a little longer," Zo said.

"We'll be right over," Kotallo said. 

"See you in a bit," Aloy said and turned back to me. "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," I said.

When the others arrived, we went through the plan once more and that was when Tilda opened up the back entrance to the Zenith base. I looked at the entrance of it, taking in a deep breath. Aloy walked up next to me and grabbed my hand, tightly holding it.

"We're going in together and we're coming out together," Aloy said to me. "We all are coming out together."

Aloy let go of my hand and turned towards everyone, "Time to get in there, save Beta, and get GAIA."

We all walked into the tunnel and started to make our way into the Zenith base. Tilda was leading all of us while Aloy was behind her and I was behind Aloy. Erend was behind me and Regalla was at the end with Sylens. When we reached the exit, we slowly had to make our way closer to the base. Aloy sent Kotallo and Alva off while Sylens, Regalla, Zo, and Tilda were off on their own as well. Aloy, Erend, and I were going to be traveling a different way. 

"Oh shit not those things again," I said and looked at the Specters.

"Time to get to fighting," Aloy brought out her bow and started to take down the Specters.

Erend was doing considerable damage since he was wielding a hammer. I wondered if all Oseram had heavy weapons like that. Once we took down this set of Specters, we continued on our way, fighting more Specters. When we got closer, we all started to group up once more. There was an opening that led to the Zenith base. We all ran through it, but the Specters came crawling down upon us. Regalla and I were trapped between them. Aloy turned around to see I was trapped between her and the Specter.



"I'll create an opening for you!" Regalla said and charged towards the Specter that was in our way.

"Hey, over here!"

The Specter looked at Regalla and she sliced at its leg, causing it to be focused on her. 

"Go!" Regalla pushed me aside as the Specter jumped into the air.

I ran to where Aloy was standing, but one of the Specters wrapped something around my leg, dragging me towards them once more.

"Aloy!" I yelled, grabbing onto her arm.

Regalla came over and hit the Specter that had its hold on me. It let go and I was finally free from them.

"Go! This is the death I was promised."

"Regalla," Aloy called out to her.

She looked over at Aloy, slightly nodding her head.

"Thank you."

"Now go!"

I stood up and watched as the Specters surrounded Regalla. She saved my life. And I wasn't going to repay her for it. Aloy and I headed to where the others were to see that base was crawling with Specters.

"How are we going to get across that?" I asked.

"Beta has that one covered," Aloy said.

A few minutes went by and there were machines flooding through the base, attacking the Specters.

"They're making machines faster than a cauldron," I said as they were ripping each other apart.

"That doesn't really help us though, does it?" Erend asked.

"Well well, what do we have here?" Gerard came floating down with Erik beside him. "Tilda? You're helping them?"

"Yes. I want to get rid of you, Gerard."

"Ha, you can't get rid of us with out shields."

"Sylens," Aloy looked over at him.

Sylens grabbed the device that was attached to Erend's back. He got it set up before throwing it out to where the other Zeniths were. They stopped and looked at it. I was hoping this was going to work. Suddenly, a shockwave was released and the shields were down on all of them, including Tilda. Gerard and Erik fled back into the base and we charged after them. Sylens, Zo, Erend, and Tilda were making sure we made it to the base. Once we all made it, Tilda flew up to the top to deal with Gerard. Aloy and I ran into the base to see an elevator was right there.

"Aloy, it's Alva. The elevator will take you up to the top where the others are."

"Thanks, Alva. Have you found what I had asked of you and Kotallo?"

"Yes. It appears they're building a spaceship of sorts. Oh, we're getting pushed out of the network."

"Hang on tight, Alva. The fight is almost over."

Aloy walked over to the console and was about to press it, but Erik came running towards us. I took out my spear and threw it at him, but he blocked it with his and he tried to swing at me. I dodged and he was about to hit Aloy since I dodged. I pushed her out of the way and caught the blade with my hand. I clenched my teeth together as I tried to ignore the pain in my hand.

"I thought I killed you!"

"You have to do better next time," I chuckled. "But there won't be a next time."

With his other hand, he grabbed me by the throat and tossed me aside. He touched the console and we descended downwards.

"We have some unfinished business. All of us," he said and looked at the both of this.

"Yeah well this time you're going to be the one to die next!" Aloy said and got up.

I was slow to get up, but I grabbed my spear that he dodged and looked over at Aloy.

"For Varl."

"For Varl."

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