Chapter 36

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Aloy was making sure my wound was good enough for us to fly back to the tribe. It was going to be a lot easier and faster to fly than ride on a Charger. I was laying on my back on her bed while she had taken off the bandages, looking at the large wound that was on my stomach.

"It has healed well, but it's going to take more time to heal," she said and got more bandages to wrap my stomach in. "Don't forget to grab your clothes from the other room."

"Ok," I said and got up, slowly walking to my room. 

"Meet me outside and I'll get the Sunwing ready," Aloy said. "Beta, make sure Sylens doesn't do anything funny around the base."

"On it," Beta said.

I put on my clothes before heading back into Aloy's room, getting my bow and spear. I walked out into the center to see Slyens and Beta were working together. She turned and I waved to her before walking out of the exit of the base. When I walked outside, Aloy was already in the air hovering above where I would be. She extended out her hand and I reached up and grabbed it. She helped me onto the Sunwing and we flew up and off East. I watched as the base turned into a spec as we flew farther away from it. Looking down, I got to watch the machines as I got a birds eye view of it.

"This is amazing," I said, finally getting used to flying.

"Not scared like you were before?"

"Oh shut it, Aloy," I said and playfully punched her shoulder.

"I just remember not too long ago you were making a big deal about flying. Still want to learn how to fly?"

"Of course I do. This is much better than riding on a Charger. We definitely get to places much faster."

"It's going to take some time to get back to the tribe. Once we do, we need to tell Sona of Varl's passing. And we should talk to the Matriarchs. I know they're probably not going to believe there is something bigger out there than just them, but it's worth a shot. If anyone is going to listen, Sona is going to be the person to listen. I also thought it would be a good time to see your family again since we left. I don't know if you saw them when you went to get Varl."

"I did see them, but it didn't go well. Maybe we can make ammends when I return."

"And I would like to visit Rost's grave while we're there. I want to bring you back up there since it's been a while since we were both there."

"If that's alright with you. I don't want you to get upset."

"I should sit and talk to him. Tell him how I survived like how he wanted me to."

"He would be proud of the amazing person you turned in to," I said.

"Thank you, Y/N."

We flew the rest of the way in comfortable silence. There would be times where we had to fly back down to stretch and catch something to eat for the trip. We knew we had finally reached back East when we saw The Spire where HADES had fallen. I looked at the Spire and got an idea.

"Aloy, doesn't The Spire send a signal out to almost the entire world?"

"As far as I know, it was able to get a signal for this entire area. I don't know if it reached West."

"What if we have MINERVA cloak us? Like how it cloaked us from the Zeniths from finding us."

"You may be on to something. But we'd have to cover the entire world for that to work. But the next question is, what if it doesn't work?" 

"Then we'll have to fight Nemesis ourselves. If HADES could be destroyed, so could Nemesis."

"We don't know what we're up against. It might be impossible to do so."

"Beta might have gotten something now that she is no longer tied to the Zeniths. We could go back to get Apollo and the other subordinate functions they have. Then GAIA could merge with HEPHASTEUS."

"We will think about it when we get there. I like what that you're thinking about this, Y/N, I truly do. But I don't want to think about that now."

"Understood," I said as we flew past The Spire and towards the Nora tribe.

When we reached the tribe, I was prepared to glide down with Aloy, but she landed the Sunwing right outside the gates. She slid off and helped me off. The two of us walked towards the gates and when they realized who we were, they opened the gates to let us in. 

"They're back after all this time," someone said.

"What do you think happened to the two of them?"

"Something must have happened. They look distraught."

"You go talk to your parents. I'll go talk to the Matriarchs."

"I want you to come with me," I said. "They deserve to know the truth about us."

"But what of your parents?"

"What of them? We're old enough, Aloy. We're both adults. We've seen what the world has to offer for us and we found out what we offer each other is what we need and deserve."

She nodded her head and we walked towards where my parents lived. But first, we went to see Sona and inform her of her son's passing. She was grateful that he died protecting someone who couldn't protect themselves. But she was waiting to grief by herself. She welcomed us back in the tribe before we parted ways. We headed back to my childhood home to find my mom and dad were sitting on the porch. My dad had grown out his beard and my mom was growing a few white hairs. Some time has passed since I last saw them. I didn't really get to talk to my mother while I was here getting Varl. My dad and I talked for a short while, but it didn't last long and I gained nothing from it.

Aloy reached down and lightly intertwined her hand with mine, "We do this together. Like how we've done most of the things on this journey."

I nodded my head, looking at her, "Together."

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