Chapter 62

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"What are we going to do now? Since Nemesis is gone?" I asked.

"I don't know what we're going to do. Everything we needed to do out here has been done already," Aloy said.

"I guess it's time for us to get the much relaxation we deserve," I chuckled.

"With the life we lived before, I don't think we're going to get much relaxing done."

"You're always going to be out and about, Aloy. I know that. But at least for the time being, settle down and relax?"

"I might. But the minute I get bored, I'm going out there to see if anyone still needs help and dealing with machines."

"I don't put it past you to do that. However, there is one thing I have been meaning to ask you."

"That is?"

"I remember having this conversation with my mother. I wanted to start a family with you. But I am not sure if you wanted to."

She gave me a small smile, "I don't mind, but I think we need to find a place to settle down before we bring a child into this world. But the one thing that does bother me is that, it'll be made from the DNA of two clones."

"I gave GAIA enough DNA to make me and to have some left over. So not entirely."

She chuckled, "You always think ahead like that."

"I learned it from you," I said. "What do you think the others are going to do?"

"I think Zo might return to the Utaru, Kotallo might stay at the Memorial Grove or return to his clan. As for Erend, he might stick around. Or he might return to Meridian. Alva went back to her homeland with the other Quen. I believe she wants to share her knowledge that she learned out here. Beta," she looked over at Beta, who was still searching through some information. "I think she deserves to learn how to survive out there. Make sure she can fight on her own if we are to move out of the base."

"That should be fun," I smiled and we walked over to Beta.

"How is everything, Beta?" Aloy asked as she walked over to her.

"Everything is going alright. I don't know what I'm going to do now since we no longer need to worry about Nemesis."

"Well, I was thinking of something else. Y/N and I might leave the base for a while. Start a life together. And I want to ensure that you can take care of yourself. Of course I'll always be here if you need me."

Beta nodded, smiling, "I'd like that. And I'd like to get out of whatever the Zeniths gave me."

"We can help you come up with something more fitting. There might be something here we can give you for now. But I think we should start with the basics."

"Right now?" Beta asked.

"Whenever you're ready. I think we should get you something more fitting."


"Actually, there is something that might work," I said and walked into my room. 

I opened up one of the closets to see there was some old pieces of armor from the Old Ones. I grabbed a few of them before walking out, placing them on the table.

"We'll let you tinker around with these before we begin," I said and walked over to Aloy.

Aloy tapped her Focus and a map of the Forbidden West appeared.

"Where were you thinking of building a place?" I asked her.

She looked around the map before pointing to a place, "Here. It's right on the ocean and it looks out at Legacy's Landfall. Are you ok with this place?"

"I think it'll be perfect."

"Sounds good."

Aloy and I were talking about what the house was going to look like and what we were going to put in it. Since it was just going to be the two of us, we didn't want there to be too much room. But we also didn't want it to be too small. The Focus and being able to visualize it in the air was much better than how the Nora planned out building homes and lodges. Once we had figured out a good enough design, Aloy saved it to her Focus and that was when Beta had finished designing the armor she envisioned. 

"That looks good, Beta," I said.

"Why don't we head out and get some training in," Aloy said.

Beta nodded her head and went into her room to change into the armor she made. When she came out, the three of us walked out and headed towards the bottom of the base. Aloy and I were setting up some dummy machines while Beta was waiting. Aloy walked over to her and handed her a normal hunter bow.

"This one is unmodified. Just a regular bow. Before we start shooting, grab an arrow, and line it up onto the string."

Beta did that and waited in that position.

"It's going to feel awkward at first, but trust me. With enough practice, it will become second nature. Now, pull back on the string. You're going to feel some tension, but that's good. Good," Aloy said as Beta pulled the string back.

"Now, slowly lift the bow into the air. Your arms are going to get tired from this at first. Mine still do when I shoot. Now pull all the way back."

Beta struggled to keep it pulled back since she kept dropping her arms. Aloy reassured her and was going step by step with her. They tried it without the arrow so that Beta could get the form down first before adding in the arrow. Once they were able to get that down solidly, they added in the arrow. Beta grew more comfortable as Aloy was showing her how to properly hold a bow.

"Think you're ready to give it a shot?" Aloy asked and gestured to the dummy machines.


"Now remember what we practiced. Keep your eyes focused and on the target. We'll get to moving targets at a later time. Aim a little higher than where you want it to go," Aloy lifted the bow up a bit. "And release."

Beta released the arrow and it fell before it hit the target.

"Not bad for your first time," Aloy said. "We can keep practicing as much as you want, Beta."

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