Chapter 49

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We woke up pretty late the next morning, but I think it was well deserved after all we have been through, especially for Aloy. I slowly got up, not wanting to wake her just yet. I walked out of the room and into the main part of the base. The others were talking amongst one another while Sona and her group of Nora were talking to my mom. I think some of them were intimidated by Kotallo as some were standing really close to Sona or really far away from him. 

"Good morning, Sona," I said to her.

"Morning, Y/N. Where is Aloy?"

"She's still sleeping."

"She needs all the rest she can get. It's well deserved, too," she said. "Well, we are here to give any aid needed."

"Thank you."

"Any plans for today?" my mom asked.

"Well, Aloy and I are going to do some stuff throughout the day to help get my mind off of what we talked about last night."

"What are you going to do?"

"There are still some of Regalla's rebels running amok. So we're going to take care of them. And maybe get some machine parts for the overrides she has been working on. You know, the typical things we need to do," I chuckled. 

The door opened up to our room and Aloy walked out, her spear and bow ready. She walked over to the rest of us and greeted them.

"You ready?" she asked.

"Yeah. What are we going to do first?"

"Let's get the machine parts for the overrides. There's quite a number of them, but with the two of us, I think we can get by quickly. Once we're done, there are some rebels we need to take care of. Unfortunately when Regalla died, the rebels did not disband since hearing the news."

"Well," I stretched a bit, "time to get the workout in."

We said goodbye to the others before heading out of the base. We made sure we had everything we needed before heading to the first machine site, which wasn't too far from here.

"How about we play a game while we're doing this?" I asked.

"What's the game?"

"First one to get the needed parts win," I chuckled. "The same thing we did back in the tribe when my mom needed rabbit meat."

"I'm always up for that game. Thought of a name for it?"

"Hunter?" I asked.

"Doesn't really sound strong," Aloy said.


"There was a game from the Old Ones called hide and go seek. Not sure what the point of that game was."

"Was that the one where they had to hide and the last one to be found wins?"

"Yes. They also had a game called the quiet game."

"What is that one?"

"Who could be quiet the longest."

"I think parents came up with that one so they could get peace and quiet from their kids," I chuckled. "I don't know, Aloy. I think we might have to call it hunter since I am not coming up with another name for it."

"We'll think of it. I'm sure you'll think of a good name for it."

We reached the machine site and we hid behind a few rocks. Aloy scanned the machines and pointed out the machine parts she needs for the override. I scanned them and accessed the machine part data.

"So what you're saying is that I can't go in swinging like how I used to?"

"Yes. We need those parts to be undamaged. So we either tear them off or we avoid those parts completely."

"On it," I said and grabbed my bow, loading it up with arrows. "I'll take the left and you take the right?"

"I thought we were playing the game?" Aloy smirked.

"Right, right," I said and looked at the other machines that were there.

"Loser has to drink with Erend tonight," I said and ran out, shooting at the machines.

She chuckled and ran out, shooting at them as well. I took down the machine and grabbed the part. I walked over to her once the machine was killed.

"Best two out of three?" she asked, holding up the machine part as well.

"How many machine parts do we need?"

"I believe about ten," she said, pulling up the data. "Yes, ten."

"Best of nine I guess," I said and handing her the machine part. 

"This is not going to be a fun day is it?" she chuckled.

"With how you're starting out, better pick up the pace, Aloy," I joked and ran off.

"You don't even know where you're going, Y/N. Don't run into any machines," she said chasing after me.

"Then send me the coordinates," I chuckled and continued to run off. 

"It's far from here, we need to get a mount at least," Aloy said.

"I'm sure we can get there."

I heard her whistle and then wingbeats followed. She flew above me and reached out her hand. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up onto the back of the Sunwing. We flew towards the next machine site and continued our game we had. When it came down to the tie breaker, we were up against a couple of tougher machines.

"This is going to be a fun one," I said and made sure I had enough arrows.

"Need some more?" she asked and handed me some more.

"Thanks," I said and put them in my quiver.

"See you out there," she said and took off, running after the machines.

"Are you serious?!" I laughed as I ran after her.

"You did this to me the first round," she said and shooting at her targets.

"You got me there," I said and began to shoot at the machines.

I took down the first one and grabbed the machine part. Aloy walked over to me and smiled.

"You're not a bad shot."

"Think I could rival you?"

"Maybe in ranged combat, but not in melee."

"Yeah I could never be as good as you in melee combat. Looks like you get to drink with Erend tonight."

"One drink and that's all. I can't really take his ale."

"Was never one to drink?"

"Not really."

"Yeah neither was I. Let's take care of those rebels," I said and stretched a bit. "Gives me more of a fight than machines."

"Sometimes you'd wish you were fighting machines once you see these rebels," she said.

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