Chapter 11

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"It's really me, Aloy," I said to her, smiling.

"You're alive," she said and opened up the cell, walking over to me.

I walked towards her and embraced her, finally being able to hug her after so long was such a relief to me.

"I always thought you would pull through, but after not seeing or hearing from you in three days just made me worried sick," she said pulling away.

"Same here, Aloy. When the Shadow Carja told me they were after you, I was afraid they were going to kill you."

"They came close, but it's going to take more than that to take me down," she chuckled.

"Gosh it's really good to see you again," I smiled at her once more.

"Same here," she said. "Lets get you out of this cell and back into some more fitting clothing."

"My stuff is back at Sunfall. I need to go all the way there to get it. Also, while I'm there getting my stuff, I was given a Focus by Sylens."


"Yes. I did some modifications to where I can contact other people, but I think I messed up a bit."

"I can take a look at it and see what I can do."

"Thank you, Aloy," I said and handed her the Focus. "I'll be back. Sunfall's not too far from here."

"Be careful out there."

"I will. At least I won't have the headdress to announce I was coming."

"Yeah," she chuckled. "Definitely don't want any more arrows coming your way."

I walked out of the cell with Aloy beside me. When we got to the gate, we all looked at the damage that was caused. I let out a sigh, knowing I was part of it, but I was forced to do it.

"I'll be back," I said. "Is there a Strider I can use to get there faster?"

"Yeah. Also, might want these before you go," Erend said and handed me my bow and spear. "The Striders are right outside the back gate to Meridian."

"Thanks, Erend."

"Once you get back, there's a lot I need to tell you," Aloy said, a look of distress came about her.

"Ok. I'll try not to be long," I said and headed towards the back gate of Meridian. 

Some of the Carja were looking at me, talking about how I looked like Helis. I let out a sigh, knowing I was going to be back in my original clothing in a short bit. I got onto one of the Striders and headed towards Sunfall to get my stuff. Once I was there, the Shadow Carja seemed to be free of the area. I headed to my room that was underneath the city and returned to my Strider, heading back to Meridian. Upon returning, I headed to a secluded area to change back into what I normally wear, which was more comfortable than what I had on. I met up with Aloy and Erend back at his place, where Aloy was fixing my Focus.

"There we are," she said and handed it back to me.

"Thanks, Aloy," I said and placed it back on my head. "Now I can see what you see. How long have you been able to see stuff like that?"

"Ever since I was a little girl. Remember when Bast hit me with a rock?"


"That was after I had found the Focus."

"And I never knew it."

"Nope, but now you can see what I see."

"This is really cool, but overwhelming a bit."

"What I'm about to tell you is going to be overwhelming, but I think you deserve to know. Erend, is there a place where I can talk to Y/N in private?"

"You can in here. I'm going to go out drinking with the others to celebrate the victory of keeping Meridian safe," Erend said.

"I could use a drink."

"There's some ale in the barrels there. Cups are in the cabinet," he said and walked out of the house.

I grabbed a cup and even asked if Aloy wanted one. She said she'll have some, since we now had some time to actually sit down and relax. I walked over to the barrel and poured some ale for the two of us. We sat down across from one another and Aloy looked a bit lost for words. I handed her the cup and waited for her to begin speaking. I knew she was, at times, hard to open up or even struggled to, especially if it was a certain topic she didn't like speaking about.

"Remember our conversation about humans and machines? And what sets them apart?"

"Yes," I said.

"Well, I found out that I wasn't born. That's why I never had a mother. I was made by this cradle in the mountain back in the tribe. And I was genetically made from the genes of Elisabet Sobeck. She is considered to be an Old One and she created this project called Zero Dawn. There was this plague that ran rampant through these machines called the Faro Plague."

"The things we fought earlier were part of the Faro machines?" I asked.


"I know that much since the Shadow Carja educated me on that."

"So I can skip over that part?"

"Yes. Especially the part about GAIA. I know about that too along with the Zero Dawn project."

"That makes things a lot easier, but that's basically it. I was not born, I was made. Designed to do one thing and one thing only."

"That being?"

"To save the world from HADES."

I slowly nodded my head, "I could only imagine how you felt once you learned the truth."

She sadly nodded her head, "Yeah."

"Aloy, do you think you're a machine?"

"Part of me does because I was made."

"Aloy, you're not a machine," I said. "Far from it. So what if you were genetically made from someone from the Old Days? You are still different from her." I tapped my Focus and an image of Elisabet Sobeck appeared next to her. "You're different from her, Aloy. Yes you may be a clone of her, but we never knew what her personality was like."

"She had empathy for all things living, similar to how I want to save everyone."

"But you still punish those who shouldn't live or put life into jeopardy. Do you think Elisabet could?"


"And Aloy, you have this wit to you. You've got some pretty good sass and comeback for the ignorant and arrogant. You care for your friends and want to ensure their safety," I said, getting a bit closer to her. This may be the alcohol talking from here on out and making me do the things I'm doing. 

"You want people to understand what's at stake and you educate those who are uneducated. You came from nothing and now you could possible have everything. You gained so much knowledge on where you came from, which is far more unique than anyone from the Nora. Aloy," I looked into her green eyes, admiring her red hair. I reached up and moved a strand of that flame like hair behind her ear, placing my hand on her cheek. 

"You are so much more than you think," I said. "You can see so many things that others can't. I hope one day you can see what I see about you."

Aloy looked into my E/C eyes, some tears sliding down her face. I gave her an endearing smile before pulling away, taking a step outside.

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