Chapter 69

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"Come on you two love birds!" Beta called from the house. "I can't eat alone. I mean I can, but it's better if we eat together."

"We're coming, Beta!" I called from the shore.

We walked out of the water, hand in hand, and we grabbed our boots. We walked into the house and we did our best trying not to track sand in, but it was inevitable living right on the beach. Once we had made our plates, we decided to sit out on the porch of the house to look at the moon and the stars. Beta was sitting on the rocking chair Zo had made for us. As for us, we were sitting on some chairs that Kotallo and Erend made. It was clear who was better at making things out of wood since the chair I was sitting on was lumpy and a bit uneven. Aloy sat on the one that was even and smooth.

"You would think Erend would do a better job at making a chair," I said, moving around.

"He was probably drinking when he made them," Aloy said.

"We're never letting Erend make something for the house."

"At least they all contributed to something."

"Yeah, that's true," I said. 

"So, what's on the agenda for tomorrow?" Beta asked.

"Anything we want to do," Aloy said.

"I want to go do some water exploration."

"You can take the diving mask I had made with Morlund."

"Is it actually functional?" she asked. 

"I was the one who made it, yes, it is functional," Aloy said. "If it wasn't, I wouldn't be here right now."

We all chuckled as we continued to eat with one another. Beta had finished before us and decided to head inside early. Aloy and I were left sitting outside underneath the night sky. I looked up, seeing the stars dance in the night.

"You done with your plate?"

"Yeah," I said and handed it to her. "Thanks."

She took it and stood up, heading inside for a bit before coming back out. She sat down beside me and we both looked up at the night sky together. 

"Things are going to change around here once we bring Lis here," Aloy said.

"It sure is. But we'll have each other. Are you going to teach her how to fight like how you did with Beta?"

"If she wants to learn. I don't want to force her into something she doesn't want to learn."

"You never know," I said. "She might get that from you."

She smiled, "I don't think ELEUTHIA will make her have the same personality as us. Just the genetics part."

"That's true, but I do have the same personality traits as the one who died."

"But that was her dying wish. It was to ensure that you were made to be exactly like her. We just wanted a daughter who had both of our DNA, like how a normal baby is made."

"Also true. Do you think people will know?"


"Yeah. Know that she was made and not born?"

"I think yes because it is impossible for two women to have a child. I've read things about it from the Old World, but I don't think it's possible anymore without the help of GAIA. But the only people who know that you're a clone are us, the others, and your mother. No one else knows and we're going to keep it that way."

I nodded my head.

"Besides, it wouldn't make a difference with her if you didn't sacrifice yourself to save the world from Nemesis."

I nodded once more, "What do you think would have happened if I failed to do so?"

"We would have had to ensure the world's safety a different way. I am just glad that you found a way to not only sacrifice yourself, but bring yourself back in a way."

"Do you ever doubt our relationship, Aloy?" I asked after a while of silence.

"I would never doubt what we have made between us," she said without hesitation. "When we first talked about it at Meridian and before Gemini, I probably would have doubted it, but I do not doubt us now. Look at how far we have come and the barrels we have jumped over. I almost lost you twice in our pursuit of saving the world. And when I did lose you, I felt like something was lost within me. I-I may not be the best talker about romance, but I am trying to get better at it."

I chuckled, "We both are, Aloy."

"But that entire year I had to go without you, it was painful. It was painful to see you run off into the Zenith ship and fly off into space. And it wasn't just because you shot me in my legs, but it was painful knowing that I may not ever see you again. But here we are. You're right here in front of me. What made you ask that sort of question?"

"I was just wondering if you ever doubt being in a relationship with a clone."

"You fell in love with a clone first," she laughed quietly.

I sighed and shook my head, "You got me there."

"So if you can fall in love with a clone, so can I."

I smiled and leaned towards her, placing a small and brief kiss against her lips. 

"Thank you, Aloy."

She smiled, "You're welcome, Y/N."

We got up and headed inside since the wind from the ocean was making everything colder. Once we were ready for bed, we got in beside one another and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into me, her backside being againt my chest. She placed her hand around mine and we both fell asleep to the sound of the ocean waves crashing onto the shore.

"Keep your eye level," she said to me as we were out hunting some stronger machines, since we needed some newer materials for the house.

The nights brought on cold fronts that we weren't expecting. So we needed a heating system and we thought some of the blazes from fire machines would be a good way to bring in heat. Our first attempt at getting one almost resulted me in getting caught on fire. That was my first time I fought a Scorcher and it was not fun. Now we were trying with something smaller, like a fire Bristleback.

"Y/N? Aloy?" GAIA called.

"Yes, GAIA?" Aloy answered as I shot at the Bristleback, hitting the blaze right off of it.

"It's time."

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