Chapter 57

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"Y/N! Y/N!" Beta came running into the room. "It's Aloy."

"What about Aloy?"

"She's going to the Zenith base right now. She's going to go out into space to get rid of Nemesis."

"Damn it, Aloy," I said. "Give me just five minutes. I-I'll go stop her."

Beta nodded and ran out of the room, trying to get ahold of Aloy. I took the small capsule GAIA had given me. I took one of my arrows and drove it into my arm, causing the blood to pour out and into the capsule. I gave it back to GAIA before wrapping my arm up.

"Thank you, GAIA. Please do all you can to make this clone exactly like me."

"I will do my best. I will be sending this data to ELEUTHIA now."

"Thank you," I said and ran out of the room.

"Did you get ahold of her, Beta?"

"No. She might answer for you."

I sighed and grabbed my spear, running out of the base. I ran to the top of the hill to override a Sunwing. I hopped on and flew into the air, flying towards the Zenith base. I tried to get into contact with Aloy, which was not working. I tried over and over until finally she answered.

"Why are you heading to the base? I thought we were going to get a better plan than just sending the ship into space?"

"I can't allow you to get yourself killed," she said.

"But you're going to go off to your death?"

"And what about you? You're going to send yourself off to your death?"

"It's what I want, Aloy. I have this all planned out."

"What is your plan then?"

"I can't tell you."

She let out a disappointed sigh, "Why won't you tell me?"

"Because it would ruin everything I have done so far."

"What are you planning?"

"GAIA will tell you when the time is ready. Only she can tell you."

"Why is that?"

"I talked to her before coming after you. She knows the entire plan, but like I said. She's not going to tell you until the time is right."

The call ended and I sighed, gripping the reins tighter on the Sunwing. I whipped them as hard as I could, making the machine fly faster.

"Come on, Aloy," I whispered to myself.

When I reached the Zenith base, I saw that most of it was already destroyed. I could see explosions going off leading up to the ship. I flew towards it and jumped off, landing where we had fought Tilda and the Specter Prime. Aloy walked onto the platform and looked at me.

"I don't want to fight you," I said.

"Neither do I, but I need to get to that ship."

I took out my bow and got it ready, "I'm not going to let you."

"Don't let it come to this, Y/N."

"Then let's talk it out before we do anything."

"We've done the talking. We both know what we need to do."

"Then why can't you see that I am giving you more time if you need it."

"But what if it's all for naught? What if you get out there and Nemesis doesn't follow you. What then? Are you going to come back to Earth?"

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