Chapter 31

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"I think the fish is done," Aloy said as we looked over to see that the fish was black.

I sighed and grabbed them, "I'm sorry about that. I should have kept an eye on them. I just get-"

"Distracted when I'm around," she joked.

"How could I not? How could any one not?" I chuckled, feeling my heart race a bit faster. "W-We'll just not eat the skin."

I handed her the fish she caught and we started to eat together. Once we were finished, we washed our hands off in the water. I looked over at her to see she was still washing hers off. I picked my hand out from the water and flicked the water droplets at her. She picked up her head right in time and the water droplets landed on her face. 

"Very nice," she said and did the same to me.

"You're on," I said, remembering the time we spent in the creek back in Meridian.

I dipped my hand into the water and pushed upwards towards her, sending some water at her. She put her arms out to try and block it from her face. We were both laughing at this point. Aloy tried to get back at me but I started to run. Aloy ran after me, but I was ahead of her. I knew she was more athletic than I was, but I could run just as fast as she could. I heard her whistle and then a rush of air was felt from behind me. I looked up to see she was flying on her Sunwing. She reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me onto the back of the giant mechanical bird. I smiled as we flew high into the sky, watching the sun set.

"This is such a nice view," I said.

"Getting used to flying?"

"Sort of. I don't think I will be, but who gets used to things?"

"When they have a boring life. That's when they get used to things."

"Our lives will certainly never be boring."

"I wouldn't say that."

"Do you enjoy being out and doing things? Having a thrill come your way almost every second?"

"Not really. There were many times where I thought I was going to die. I've lost two good people in my life and I can't get them back. I never will. And then being out here in the Forbidden West, it was a lot different than back near Meridian. After all of this is said and done, I want to have a somewhat boring life. I want to relax and think the world is not going to catch fire," she chuckled at the last part. "I just want a nice relaxing rest of my life with the people I cherish most."

"You don't think you'd get bored? After running around and doing so much for the world?"

"If word gets out that I saved the world yet again, I'd gladly live as an outcast once more. I don't like the attention, but I didn't like not knowing why I was an outcast. I've learned so much now that my six year old self would be overwhelmed. So with knowing as much as I do, I'd rather go back to being an outcast and having no one bother me."

What she was saying was interesting. It was hard to respond to that. So instead I just leaned towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her as close as I could to my body.

"Then I'll become an outcast with you."

"You deserve a better life than I ever do, Y/N. There's so much for you to learn and to experience. I think I've had my fair share of that."

"But I want to go wherever you go, Aloy. That's why I went to Meridian with you and went with you on your journey out here. I wanted to spend the time with you and I will always want to spend the time with you."

I could hear she smiled as she reached down and grabbed my hand, caressing the back of my hand with her thumb.

"Then we'll go wherever together."

She hovered over the spot where we were and we jumped off the Sunwing, her hangglider coming out and we landed safely on the ground. The sun was now set and the moon was rising into the sky. I yawned before laying down next to the campfire. Aloy was sitting by the fire and looking at it, laying behind her. I reached up and grabbed her waist once more, pulling her towards me.

"What's up?" she asked.

"You need your rest as much as I do. You were running around for so long and without rest. You need it."

"I just want to make sure we're in a safe position to do so. Never know what's going to happen with these machines out there."

"I think we're fine. If we weren't attacked when we were here earlier, we won't get attacked now."

"I hope not," she said and laid down, tuning around to face me.

I smiled as I got to look at her under the moonlight. Just as the sun made her features stand out, the moonlight made her glow to an extent. I smiled and got closer to her, nuzzling into the crook of her neck.

"Let me know if this is uncomfortable for you."

"It's fine," she said and pulled me close to her. "Just get some rest."

"You too, Aloy."

"I will."

I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, "If you try anything, I'll know."

She chuckled, "I won't do anything, I promise. I'll actually get rest tonight."

"Good," I said and closed my eyes. "Goodnight, Aloy."

"Goodnight, Y/N," she said and pressed a light kiss to my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

We slept the night away and when the sun rose to welcome the next day, I opened my eyes to find that Aloy was on her back and I was resting my head on her shoulder. She was still asleep, but when I picked my head up, the others were there. Kotallo, Sylens, Erend, Alva, Tilda, Regalla, and Zo had seen us sleeping together probably.

"How long have you been here?" I whispered.

"About a good ten minutes. We didn't want to wake you," Alva said.

"Thanks," I said, looking down at Aloy who was still sleeping.

"We'll let you sleep longer," Zo said and cleared everyone away.

I smiled at her and nuzzled back up against Aloy, resting my eyes until she woke up.

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