Chapter 42

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When the sun's rays danced across Aloy's red hair and freckles, I knew it was time for us to begin with the meeting of the tribe. I didn't want to get up, so I clung onto Aloy's sleeping figure next to me. But she stirred when the sun's rays were directed into her eyes. She opened her eyes to find me not wanting to get up.

"Y/N," she said and lightly shook me. "Y/N," she said in a song like voice.

"Five more minutes," I grumbled.

"We don't have five more minutes, Y/N. Time to get up."

I sighed and pulled away from her, rising from my small bed we slept in together.

"I'm surprised you're not on the floor with how small this bed is," I stretched before getting up.

"You're a pretty still sleeper so I knew I would be fine."

"Do you thrash around?"

"At times. That is when I can get a good night's sleep."

"Have you not slept well?"

"Haven't slept well since the Proving."

"We'll change that when we finish this whole ordeal with Nemesis."

We got up and got ready for this meeting with the whole tribe. My mom had set out some fruits and berries in a bowl for us. There was a note that said she would meet us there. We grabbed some fruit to go and headed towards the center of the tribe. Once we got there, the Matriarchs were waiting for us. For the most part, the tribe members were confused on why they were all called. Teersa greeted us when we got there. 

"They're going to ask questions you know that, right?" I asked Aloy.

"I know they are."

I looked into the crowd and saw my dad. My mom was right in the front and I knelt down in front of her.

"Dad's here. He might try to do something funny."

"I'll take care of it," she said and disappeared into the crowd.

I watched her as she walked over to Sona. Knowing that Sona will take care of any issues with my dad is a big sigh of relief. I stood up and walked over to where Aloy was. She was still talking with the Matriarchs before we were ready.

"Greetings, Nora! Today, the annointed one, Aloy, speaks of her journey outside the tribe. Listen with great care," Teersa said and walked aside, letting Aloy have the spot light.

I was standing behind her, since I knew she was better with speaking to others despite being raised alone. 

"I'm sure you all remember when I left the tribe."

"You should have stayed gone!" my dad yelled from the back.

Aloy turned her head and looked at me. I rolled my hand to signal to just keep going. She nodded and faced the crowd. 

"Well, I found a world full of bigger and larger things than we can comprehend. It took me some time to and in due time we all will. But there was this thing from the Old World that came to our world. I took care of it and got rid of it for good. Well, turns out there is something greater than this thing from the Old World."

She tapped her Focus and an image of GAIA appeared.

"This is GAIA. A sentient AI made from Elisabet Sobeck," another image appeared. "I am the clone of Elisabet Sobeck, therefore, answering why I was an outcast and motherless. But GAIA was made during a time when the world was going to end. Machines that would eat the biomass until there was nothing left. And GAIA would bring life back to Earth. It was called Project Zero Dawn. She had nine subordinate functions that made her one. To make a long story somewhat shorter, HADES was her failsafe. It became self aware from a signal from far outside of this star system. And it was awakened by Nemesis."

GAIA and Elisabet's image were replaced with Nemesis. The crowd just looked on as Aloy was explaining this. The one good thing was she has evidence of her findings and just isn't spouting nonsense. She explained what Nemesis was and who the Zeniths were. Once she had finished explaining everything, now was the time to ask for their help.

"We need all the help we can get to save this world. Nemesis will come and it will destroy everything. If it destroyed a highly advanced technological civilization, it will wipe us off the map entirely. That's why it made HADES self aware so that it could sabatoge the Zeniths from returning back to Earth. If we can all come together, we will find a way to destroy Nemesis."

"And why should we risk our lives to help you?" my dad asked.

Aloy scowled at my dad, "Would you rather sit on your ass and die? Die like a coward? Or die going out trying to save the world you live in?"

That shut my dad up real quick. Aloy was one to be quick with her words.

"If my son died fighting and believing in what was right," Sona began. "Then it's a cause worth investing in. Consider me in."

Aloy smiled and nodded her head at Sona.

Soon, the rest of the tribe was agreeing in wanting to stop Nemesis. My dad was the only one who did not want to raise a finger to help. Instead, he walked away and disappeared. I tapped my Focus to see he was walking back to the house. I followed after him, being careful of not being seen or heard. He went into the house and then came out with his bow and his quiver of arrows. I knew what he was going to do. I ran off and tried to get back there faster than he could. I had to warn Aloy. He never liked her in the first place and this is how he's going to deal with her? 

I ran faster and tapped my Focus, scanning to find where he was. He apparently got the lead on me and he was ahead. He was getting closer to her. I ran faster and got there a bit before he did. Aloy turned to see I was out of breath.

"Y/N, where did you go?"

"You need to get out of here. You need to find--" I was shot in the shoulder from my dad as he came up from behind us. 

The tribe was about to defend Aloy, but she pulled out her bow and aimed at my dad's head.

"Do it. You won't, outcast," he sneered.

"You've given me every reason to give you more than just an arrow to the head."

"Then why are you hesitating? I can end you right here, right now."

"Then do it," Aloy said.

I got up and ran in front of Aloy as my dad released his arrow.

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