Chapter 60

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A year has passed since Nemesis was sucked into that black hole Y/N led it to. I informed everyone of what she had done, her mother being the first one to know. Zo gave birth to her and Varl's child. She bore a son and named him after Varl. She got into contact with Sona and told her about her grandson. She was elated to hear she had a healthy grandson. 

With nothing to be done, I thought about going out somewhere in the Forbidden West and making a house to myself. To live out there and have some peace. But not having Y/N with me was going to make things worse since we both wanted to live out in the Forbidden West somewhere. So instead, I helped around the base with Zo and her son. Beta helped as well. When we weren't taking care of her son, the two of us were out in the Forbidden West taking care of some things with the other tribes. It brought me back to when Y/N and I were running around the Forbidden West clearing out the rebel outposts and taking down machines. It was a bitter sweet moment to remember, but recreating it with Beta was making things better. We were getting closer and closer as the days go on. Sure we fight here and there, but that's what sisters do. 

One morning I decided to head out to the tribe with Zo so that Sona could see her grandson. I wanted to check in on Y/N's mother to see how she was coping with the loss of her daughter. While we were getting things together for the trip out there, Beta came out with the boar cloak in her hands.

"Here, you don't want to get cold on the way back there," handing it to me.

"Thank you, Beta," I said and wrapping it around my shoulders, already feeling the warmth she emmitted.

"See you soon," she said and hugged me tightly.

"See you soon, Beta. Take care of the base while we're gone."

"I will. Safe travels."

We both waved goodbye before we headed off back towards the Daunt. While we were riding back to the tribe, I was showing Zo things along the way, such as Meridian. We reached the tribe and Sona was waiting at the gate with us along with her mother. They greeted us before we headed back into the tribe. It felt odd being back here without Y/N. While I was walking around, there was a big memorial for both her and I. 

"When did they add that?" I asked.

"They built that when we returned back to the tribe. I told the Matriarchs of both of your accomplishments and they decided to make a memorial for the both of you."

I walked over to see they had nailed her facial features perfectly. I had a sad, yet small, smile on my face. I walked past it and walked alongside her mother.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing the best I can, Aloy. Getting by," she chuckled. "But I found peace in her passing. I know she's up there watching after us."

"It's good to hear you're at peace. I was worried you would be very distraught."

"I still am, but I just need to live one day at a time."

We spent the rest of the day at the tribe and we were going to be heading back in a few days. I was staying with Y/N's mom while Zo and her son were going to be staying with Sona. 

"You're wearing her boar cloak. I had just noticed it now," her mother said as she came out to the front of the house, since I was sitting out there watching the sunset.

"Oh, she had given it to me while we were at the Zenith base. I'm doing my best to take care of it."

"No better person to have her cloak."

We both looked out at the sunset, watching the fire like color in the sky.

"She made a beautiful sunset for us tonight, didn't she?" her mother asked.

"She always does. Same with the sunrise."

"You look so exhausted, Aloy."

"I haven't been sleeping well since her passing. I'm up to see the sunrise and sunset. When I go to bed, I can't get her out of my head."

"She loved you dearly, Aloy."

"I know she did. I wish I could have shown my love for her more."

"When your time comes, I am sure you two will love each other when you see one another again."

I nodded my head.

"Here, I made some tea for you. It's going to get a bit cold tonight."

"Thank you," I said and taking the cup.

"I'll be inside if you need me."

"Thanks," I said and held onto the cup, looking down at it.

I sat out there for quite a while past sunset because I looked up and the stars were dancing in the night sky. I got up and headed inside, putting the cup on the table. Her mother was no where to be seen. I walked over into Y/N's room to see nothing has changed since the last time we were there. I walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge of it, thinking back on the time we were last here. It had been such a long time since then. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling of the house, trying to fall asleep. 


I opened my eyes and tapped my Focus, "Beta?"

"Yeah, Aloy, we have a situation."

"What's the matter?" I asked, sitting up since this might be a long talk. "Did you mess with any of the fabrication machines?"

"No, no, nothing about that. It's just that, um," she struggled to find words. "I am at a loss of words."

"Describe the issue to me."

"It's GAIA."

"What about GAIA?" I asked, getting worried now.

"S-She wishes to speak with you."

"Aloy," GAIA said.

"GAIA, is everything ok?"

"You remember when I said you will be informed on what Y/N's plan was?"


"The time is now."

"Now?" I asked.

"Yes. The plan is complete and we wish for you to return to the base as soon as possible."

"I-I'll be on my way."

I walked out of her room to see her mother was sitting at the table.

"I-I've got to go."


"Yes. Y/N planned something before going to the Zenith base. I need to get back to the base."

"Hurry," she said.

"Thank you again for everything," I said before running out of the house and heading to where the gates were.


"Yes, Aloy?"

"I need to head back to the base. Something happened."

"No need to explain. I'll see you when I get back."

"See you then."

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