Chapter 1

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She was a woman on a mission.

Strutting down the hallway, she stopped before the bedroom door where she knew she'd find her target. It was soundproofed, so it didn't betray the carnal sounds from behind the door...No, but the whisper of pain buzzing in her host's body told her exactly what was happening.

Fortunately, her abilities stopped the pain from debilitating her host's body like it normally would. Instead of bringing her to her knees in agony, it was merely a reminder that fuelled her purpose. Twirling the dagger in her right hand, itching to use it, she gave a mighty kick to the door and brought it down with a loud bang.

A startled shriek from within the room was heard, followed by an angry growl. The woman hid herself under the covers of the bed, shielding Karma from her nudity...The man, though, stood to his full 6'4" height, every inch of him exposed to her as he glared down at her in fury.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Who let you out?!" He snarled, his brown eyes alight with anger.

"Hello, Dustin...I'd like to speak with Fang" she said, ignoring his questions.

"I don't give a fuck what you want, Tara" he retorted, walking towards her in what normally would have been an intimidating manner.

Unfortunately for Dustin, he was not talking to the woman he expected...No, she was quietly watching from within her body as Karma took control. So instead of intimidating her, his actions served to piss her off further.

Lending the woman's body her own strength, she moved faster than Dustin could have ever expected of his meek little mate. She bolted forward and slammed her knee into his erect manhood, causing a very unmanly shriek to escape his lips. He was brought to his knees, making him closer to eye level with the woman's small frame.

She brought her knee up again, ramming it into his solar plexus which caused him to double over.

"Let me talk to Fang" she said again, grabbing a handful of his hair to jerk his head back so he was looking up at her. He glared up into her green eyes and snarled, his muscles tensing as he prepared to attack her. She pressed her silver dagger to his throat and smiled at him.

"Ah-ah, don't think of attacking me...That goes for you, too, bitch" she said, throwing the threat to the woman on the bed who'd been discretely trying to prepare her own attack.

Dustin's eyes widened for a moment, but then narrowed. "You don't have the guts to kill me" he spat. "You need me, you need Fang."

Karma let out a sharp laugh. "You have been inflicting more pain on me with your infidelity than your death could ever cause me. Four years, Dustin! You've been torturing me for four years. And I'm done. So either you let me talk to Fang, or I say a one-sided goodbye to him before I kill you" she said with a shrug.

Dustin's angry glare turned into a look of uncertainty. In that moment, his wolf took the opportunity to take over. Dustin's brown eyes changed to the grey colour of his wolf's.

Karma smiled kindly at the wolf in the man's skin before her; however, she didn't remove the blade from his throat. She knew there were wolves creeping up to attack her even now. She had to make this quick, and not waste the precious time that the wolf had stolen control.

"Fang...I know you've always been against Dustin's infidelity...And I need your help to finally make it stop today. I won't let this continue. I know your love is true, but I'm asking you to prove it to me one last time...I'm asking you for freedom" she said.

Fang contorted his human's face into a frown, shaking his head despite Karma's blade. "I can't let you go, Tara...He may not love you, but I do. And the pack needs you..."

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