Chapter 73

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Frowning at the door, Chance stayed as still as a statue and hoped the visitor would give up. Unfortunately for him, they instead began to shout through the door.

"Kayla! It's Sadie! It's important! I think the pack is under attack, and nobody knows what to do! I know you can mindlink Spectre, can you please tell her to come help?! Or to send the Alpha?! I don't know who else to go to and I'm scared!" Sadie cried out, a sob escaping her at the end of her statement.

Chance nearly sat up in alarm at her statement; however, he managed to reign himself in and remain still. Was it possible this was a trap? If not, was another trap laid, and the pack really was under attack? Regardless, he had to tell Karma...Or did he?

He hadn't asked what was going on with her mother, but he could tell it was urgent. Knowing Karma, she wouldn't have left such a large responsibility as babysitting the Prince for any reason that wasn't urgent. This gave Chance pause, and made him feel guilty about pulling her away from her mother when she was in need. If only he wasn't so useless without Xander...Then again, nobody knew he was wolfless. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage.

Deciding he couldn't drag Karma back for nothing, he wanted to determine what was going on before interrupting her. He got up from the bed and walked over to the door, pulling it open a crack to peer out at the pitiful girl on the other side.

Sadie was slumped down on the ground, where she had apparently been crying into her hands. At the sound of the door of the door opening, she looked up in surprise with puffy, bloodshot brown eyes. "Kayla?"

"Kayla is with her mother...Why do you think the pack is under attack?" Chance asked.

Sadie stared up at the brown eyeball peering back at her from the crack in the door, and frowned. "Wh-who are you?!" She demanded, trying to keep the fear from her voice.

"I am...Kayla's chosen mate" Chance offered. "I am new to the pack...Who are you? And why do you think we are in danger? I would rather not interrupt Kayla without good reason" he explained.

"I-I just heard screaming, and it sounded like wolves fighting...I smelled b-blood, so I ran. B-But I heard the gate opening! I know the sound, 'cause I only heard it one other time before!" She hurried out, her tearful stuttering the only time her words weren't rushed. Suddenly, the sound of claws clicking along the floor could be heard echoing down the corridor. Sadie sniffed the air and let out a scared whimper, not recognizing the scents of the approaching wolves.

Chance opened the door and hauled Sadie into the room before shutting it and bolting it. Once Sadie was behind him, he looked around for something to barricade the door with.

"Y-you should c-call Kayla" Sadie whispered, her hands clamping over her mouth to suppress a sob.

Chance nodded and took out his phone, motioning to the window. "We need to get out of here, is it possible to escape through the window?" He whispered to Sadie.

She ran over to the window and threw it open to the freezing wind. From where the room was, and how the castle was built into a mountain, the drop below was easily fifty stories, if not more. Sadie turned back to Chance, looking even more upset as she shook her head.

Cursing under his breath, Chance grabbed Sadie by the arm and dragged her into the ensuite bathroom. He closed and locked that door, pushed Sadie into the shower and closed the shower door on her. "Stay in there, and stay quiet. With any luck, if they come in they will only notice me" he whispered to her.

Sadie nodded, holding her hands over her mouth to try to suppress her whimpers and sobs. Chance turned to face the door, waiting and straining his ears for the sound that the enemy had made it inside. While waiting, he dialed Karma's number and hit the call button.

Karma was saying her good byes to her mother when she felt her phone vibrate. Surprised, she grabbed it from her pocket to check the caller ID, since it was rare for her to receive phone calls. Seeing the ID on the phone, her stomach dropped.

"I have to go mom, good luck in surgery" she said and kissed Christina on the forehead. In the next moment, she was answering the phone.

"What's wrong?" She asked as her means of an answer.

"Hey Kayla" the female voice said on the other end of the line, sneering her name. "Or should I say Karma? How about Spectre?"

Karma let a snarl rip from her throat, cursing internally. "Sadie, you backstabbing bitch. Where's Chance?"

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