Chapter 47

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After Chance's pain had finally stopped, Karma left him and the others to enter the Lupine Realm. She immediately opened a window to spy on Tiffany, and was unsurprised to find the same blinding light that was keeping her from seeing Theo. Again, she left the window open but barely, just so she could listen.

"You're more enthusiastic about this than I am" a female voice could be heard saying with a chuckle.

A grunt from Theo was heard, as if in sarcastic agreement.

"It can hardly be seen as rape when you enjoy it so much" the girl, presumably Tiffany, continued. "Makes me feel better, since we really just want the Prince to suffer" she added with a giggle.

Another grunt from Theo was all she received as a response.

"Sorry, we'll get the ball-gag out soon so you can eat" she said apologetically. "Anyways, we should be hearing back from your father soon. Hopefully for you it's good news...I heard that if it isn't, well...You might not enjoy the next torture session so much."

Karma heard some struggling and Theo's sounds of protest, followed by Tiffany's laughter.

"Just trying to prepare you for what's to come" she said, still laughing.

The sound of her footsteps could be heard retreating after that, and before long the room fell into silence. Karma re-routed her window to find Tiffany again, but was discouraged to find the next room was as blinding as the first. She swore internally, annoyed at their ingenuity.

Focusing back on the window, Karma strained her hearing. From what could be heard, the she-wolf was the only person in the room, leading Karma to conclude that she was Tiffany. The sound of a phone ringing could be heard, and soon after came Tiffany's voice.

"Hey, just finished. Any news yet?" she asked.

A male voice on the other end of the line could be heard responding with a negative.

"Well shit, what if gramps is wrong? Maybe Theo made it all up" Tiffany said.

"No, we have reason to believe it's true" the voice responded.

"Alright...What if Russell doesn't have his phone?" She asked, not believing the Prince would let this go on for so long if he knew how to stop it.

"Stop worrying and just do your job, leave the thinking to us" the man replied angrily.

"Okay...Sorry" Tiffany said meekly before hanging up.

"She's not being forced to be a part of this, then" Alessia said, suddenly speaking up.

"No...But we should give her a chance to help us first" Karma replied. "She may be being coerced, who knows?"

Alessia hummed in agreement, and the two set off to find Tiffany's wolf. Not long after, they found themselves with a beautiful Sandy blonde wolf slumbering before them.

"This is her wolf" Karma announced.

"Now what?" Alessia wondered. "Can you communicate with her, when she's unwilling to let you in?"

Karma shrugged, having never tried to communicate with someone this way. "Guess we'll find out" she sighed.

Kneeling down beside the blonde wolf, Karma placed a hand on its furry head. She closed her eyes and pictured a bridge between the two of their psyches, creating a passage for her. Next, she crossed over the bridge to a doorway that blocked her path and stood before it.

If she'd had permission, based on her experience with taking the place of Tara's wolf, this door would be unlocked and allow her in. By that logic, she figured this door was the entry point to Tiffany's wolf's head, and forcing her way in was the path that could result in driving both human and wolf mad. Uncertain how to avoid it, but wanting to try, Karma gingerly knocked on the door as the only logical thing she could think to try.

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