Chapter 20

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After getting the summary of things from Jenna, Karma quickly got out of bed. She didn't bother getting dressed, and just slipped into the Lupine Realm while grumbling to Alessia about being disrupted. She had just finished rescuing Tara from Alpha Dustin, and was looking forward to her rest.

"We're fortunate that JennA was one of the first to learn about it" Alessia said, walking over to greet her human side.

"Even if people find out what others know, it won't do them much good" the cranky she-wolf replied. "But it annoys me people are after us" she added, plopping down on the strangely coloured grass.

Alessia nodded her big furry head in agreement, settling down beside Karma in the grass. Once they were situated, Karma opened a viewing window into the palace to see if she could discern why they were after her so urgently.

Peering into the window, she saw the King and Queen seated together on their thrones. They appeared to be in the middle of interviewing a man; however, Karma didn't notice who he was. Instead, she was fixated on the man standing to the side of the King and Queen; he was the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on.

He was wearing black dress pants with a soft blue button down dress shirt, but the sleeves had been rolled up to give him a casual air. His muscular body was apparent in the way his clothes strained against him deliciously. Karma had the urge to run her hands through his sexy black hair, and she felt she could get lost forever in those deep pools of chocolate he had for eyes. His sculpted jaw was clenched in what appeared to be anger, and the dark stubble along his jaw added a rugged and dangerous look to his perfect features that excited her.

She didn't realize she'd been staring until Alessia startled her from trance. "That is one fine piece of wolf" she said in a low, playful growl.

Karma blushed, looking over at her wolf. She and Alessia had long agreed that, after everything they'd seen, a mate was a bad idea. They'd come across many handsome men and beautiful women before, but none had struck a chord within them quite like the man before them. Despite her body's excitement at seeing the man, Karma was apprehensive.

"You think so, too, huh?" She asked nervously.

Alessia turned her inquisitive eyes on the girl, asking "what's with that tone?"

"You've never said that about anyone before, and I...I couldn't stop staring" she mumbled quietly. "What if..." she trailed off.

Alessia tilted her head to the side, peering back at the handsome man in the throne room. "Hm...No, I don't think he's our mate. I think we'd feel more than...This. He's just a fine specimen" she snickered.

Karma rolled her eyes, feeling a bit better as she chuckled at her wolf. To be safe, she closed her eyes to envision her bonds with Alessia. When she opened her eyes again, she could see the familiar threads of light tying her and her wolf together. She let out a breath she didn't notice she'd been holding after confirming there was no new, red thread of light.

"Isn't that Dustin?" Alessia questioned, nodding her head towards the scene in the throne room.

At that statement, Karma's eyebrows shot up, and she began paying attention once more.

"Good evening, Alpha Dustin. Thank you for joining us at such a late hour" the King greeted the man. "I understand you've recently had a run-in with the Spectre, is this true?"

Dustin bowed to the royals before nodding solemnly. "Yes, your majesties, it's true. My mate was taken from me this evening, spirited away in the night" he said, containing a growl with difficulty. "My pack has been left without their Luna, and we are vulnerable and in need of your help finding her. I beg of you, majesties! Bring my beloved mate home" he begged, putting on quite the show.

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