Chapter 78

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A/N: Can't believe I'm saying this, but it's the last chapter! This just wraps up a lot of stuff, and gives what I think is a cute ending to the story :) Hope you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for reading!
As the power of their new leaders rippled through the Royal pack, howls of celebration and acceptance rang out through the encampment, as well as the kingdom. The added strength, as well as morale, was the turning point in the war. What had started out as a semi-even war for both sides was soon completely overtaken by the side of the monarchs.

Through the assistance of their allied packs, Chance and Karma lead their kingdom to the end of the war, and a new era of peace. In an effort to avoid a similar scenario from befalling the werewolves in the future, a representative of the Royal pack was placed on duty within each pack. These representatives monitored pack activity, ensuring that those in power in the packs, including the Elders, were not abusing their power, nor their pack members.

Despite being Queen, Karma did not give up her role as the Spectre. In fact, she felt even more empowered to right the wrongs done to her people. To that end, she did come clean to the Forsaken pack, and admit that she had been the Alpha all along. Most of them weren't surprised, and had suspected it all along. They were all offered a home in the Royal pack, and every last one of them was happy to accept and serve their new Queen.

Christina moved into the palace to remain close to her daughter; although, she did often visit the Red Moon pack to spend time with her son as well. Without his father for guidance, she wanted to support him if he needed it.

Fortunately, Theo was not alone in caring for his pack. While on the battlefield, a field medic had been making the rounds to treat the injured. She just so happened to be the daughter of a Beta, and Theo's true mate. After believing he would never have a mate or true Luna, he felt like his prayers had been answered. Maturing nearly overnight, and thankful for the new lease on life, Theo became an Alpha and a mate to be proud of.

With the war behind them, and a brilliant future ahead, Karma and Chance were fast to fall in love. Christina, Aless and Reggie were all over the moon when it was announced that Karma was pregnant, and the kingdom was alive with chatter of the future Prince.

Everyone, Karma included, was shocked when nearly a year after the war ended, she and Chance welcomed a healthy baby girl. It seemed that the Moon Goddess had more in store for the new Royal couple, and wasn't returning them to the status quo.

That didn't matter, because little Princess Silvia Alessandra Christina Lycidas had her father, and his entire kingdom wrapped around her little baby finger. With Karma's stunning green eyes, and her father's black hair, she was adored by everyone who laid eyes on her.

Six months after she was born, Karma was sitting in her nursery with Silvia cuddled into her arms, and her head on her shoulder. They were in the rocking chair, where Karma was humming to her daughter softly, letting the gentle motion of the rocking lull her to sleep.

Quietly creeping into the room, Chance stood at the doorway and took in the scene. His heart swelled at the sight of his beautiful family; he could stand there and watch them all day. The sound of Karma's humming calmed him, much like their baby; so, he leaned against the wall to relax while listening the soothing lullaby.

Karma just smiled at him from across the room, her heart full of love and happiness. There wasn't much that could make their lives any better.

"Well...Maybe one thing" Alessia purred in response to Karma's thoughts.

Karma just smirked at her wolf's comment, deciding that she could safely lay Silvia down for her nap without disturbing her. She brushed a gentle, loving kiss against her daughter's chubby cheek, letting out a happy sigh. Unsurprised when two strong arms wound their way around her waist, she stood up straight to lean back into Chance's embrace.

Chance smiled, leaning down to kiss his mate on the cheek. He rested his chin on her shoulder and peered down at the little miracle they had created together. For another few minutes, the two just stayed like that, watching Silvia sleep. Finally, though, Karma took Chance by the hand and lead him out of the nursery.

Once out of the nursery, Karma kept tugging Chance along until she reached their room. Closing the door behind them, she leaned against it and looked at Chance with a grin. "Hey, you...I've got something for you" she said teasingly.

Chance raised his brows with a grin, quick to trap her against the door with his body as he replied "Is that so?"

"Mhmm...You're going to be so surprised...But you'll have to take this annoying shirt off of me first" she said, giggling when he dipped his head down to kiss her neck.

"Mmm...I must say, that sounds like a wonderful idea" he murmured against her skin before nibbling on the sensitive spot where she bore his mark.

Karma let out another giggle, suppressing a moan as goosebumps erupted over her skin from his kissing and nibbling. Chance pulled back to eye her hungrily, smirking as he chastised her. "Now, now, why would you try to hide those noises you know I love?" He asked, pecking her lips while slipping his hands under the hem of her shirt.

"I have my reasons" she said with a big grin. "Am I going to have to undress myself?"

No sooner had the words left her lips, than Chance had slipped her shirt off over her head in one motion. Karma let out a laugh, and then a shriek when Chance grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder. With a big grin to match Karma's, he carried her to the bed and gently tossed her onto it; however, he wasn't expecting what he saw.

When Karma landed on the bed on her back, she stared up at Chance in excitement. With her shirt off, he was now able to see her bare stomach where she had written "BABY LYCIDAS" with an arrow pointing down.

Stunned, he ran his fingertips over the words. "...Does this mean...?"

Karma teared up a little as she let out a giddy laugh. "The Moon Goddess wasn't done with her surprises for us, it seems...Silvia's going to be a big sister!"

Shaking his head in disbelief, Chance let out a loud and happy laugh as he scooped Karma up into his arms and kissed her. Their joyous laughter filled the room, and set the stage for many happy days ahead. Together.

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