Chapter 56

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On her way to Tiffany's cell, Karma was shocked to find her mother nearby. Christina was pacing outside of the dungeon doors, seeming to be lost in a concerning thought.

"Mom?" Karma called out in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

Christina, not recognizing the voice, didn't immediately realize that she was the one being addressed. Due to this, Karma had to step over into her path so that Christina nearly collided with Karma when she turned to keep pacing. Not expecting someone to suddenly be there, Christina gasped in surprise and jumped back.

"What the hell?" she breathed out, confused.

"It's me, mom. What's wrong? What are you doing here?" Karma demanded.

Christina's brow furrowed for a moment before recognition registered on her face. "Ah! Hello sweetie...Well, I'm just thinking" she replied.

Karma raised a brow. "Why here?"

"Just...Where I was when I started thinking" Christina explained with a shrug.

"Just tell me what's on your mind, mom" Karma pressed, sending the impatience of the Queen behind her.

Christina glanced at the Queen, then back to Karma. She blushed, and shook her head, seeming to come to some kind of conclusion within herself. "Nope, it's nothing. We can chat after. Why are you...Not you?" She asked.

"Long story...Theo's home safe, though" Karma replied with a smile.

"Oh! I need to go see him, then!" Christina said excitedly, but visibly relieved to know her son was back. "Where is he? Is he alright?"

"The medical wing" the Queen interrupted impatiently. "Can we carry on, please?" She demanded, directing her question to Karma.

Karma sighed and nodded. "I'll come see you both soon" she promised her mother.

Christina nodded, giving her daughter a smile before turning and hurrying away to find her son.

Shortly after, accompanied by the Queen and some guards, Karma was locked up in a cell on the opposite end of the dungeon from Steve Duko. It had been decided that keeping the two separated would be best.

"Now what?" The Queen demanded as soon as the door was secured.

"Now I bid you adieu, and the real Tiffany will come back. I'll go find your son" she promised, then closed her eyes.

The Queen frowned, but couldn't help from watching eagerly to see what would take place. In a very anticlimactic show, Tiffany simply opened her now-blue eyes, looked around in confusion, and then started to cry.

Meanwhile, in the Lupine Realm, Karma was returning back to her own body. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was faced with a very concerned Alessia.

"Finally!" The wolf shouted.

Surprised, Karma frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You were gone so long...I was beginning to worry. I had no way of communicating with you, and no idea what was going on" Alessia explained.

"Ah...That's fair" Karma conceded. "And...A lot has gone on."

Alessia perked up, tilting her furry head a bit in curiosity. "Like what?"

"Well...We saved Theo, captured Tiffany and her father...Theo's in hospital right now being looked over...Mom's acting weird, probably because she had to work with Russell...Some Elders and Alphas are plotting a war to try to wipe out the monarchy...Oh, and the Prince rejected Theo" Karma answered, mumbling the last part quietly.

Alessia, already stunned by the news of the impending war, didn't immediately catch what was said. It took several moments for the implications of everything Karma just told her to really sink in. When it finally did, all she could respond with was "What?!"

Karma scrubbed her face with her hands and let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I know."

"So...Is this what the Goddess meant? A war is going to start because they think the Prince having a male mate makes for the opportune time to launch an attack? And if we accept him as our mate, it can be avoided?"  Alessia asked.

"I guess" Karma agreed, chewing her bottom lip. "We would have to accept him and announce it before they have a chance to attack. They probably figure without a Luna, he won't have the ability to further strengthen the Royal pack so it's the most vulnerable position the pack will have ever been in."

"So..." Alessia began, and Karma could tell from her near-vibrating state that her wolf was excited. "Are we finally going to accept our mate?"

"I guess" Karma responded, her dejected reaction in stark contrast to Alessia's excitement.

"Then let's go!!" The wolf demanded, jumping up and pouncing around with her tail wagging happily.

With another heavy sigh, Karma agreed. Deciding not to drag out her stress on the matter further, and to ensure the Prince was safe, Karma opened a door to his location. She was relieved to find him alone, meaning he hadn't been kidnapped or attacked at least.

With a deep breath, she walked through the doorway and into the woods. As she stepped through, she stepped on a twig and the snapping sound caught the Prince's attention. He jerked his head up in alarm, seeing someone was there with him.

"It's okay, it's just me" Karma said softly before he could react in a panic.

At the sound of her voice, the Prince looked to her face. When their eyes met, Karma's stomach dropped.

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