Chapter 22

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Unlike her human side, Alessia wasn't in such dire need of sleep. She therefore agreed to keep watch on the Queen's garden to see what sorts of traps they may try to set for Karma. After hours of watching the garden attentively, though, Alessia was shocked to find that there hadn't been any activity.

When Karma entered the Lupine Realm at 7:30am with her mother in tow, neither of the women was pleased to hear this.

"Nothing? Not a damn thing?" Karma asked for the hundredth time.

Alessia rolled her eyes, ignoring the question. "I think the Queen knows we'd watch her, so she is trying to instil good faith" the wolf mindlinked Karma optimistically.

Karma rolled her eyes this time, shaking her head. "Alessia thinks the Queen is doing this in good faith" she explained to her mother.

Christina shook her head, frowning. "No, this is suspicious. It makes no sense, of course they would try something."

"Maybe if someone hadn't been so arrogant, and had asked what they wanted last night, it would make more sense" Alessia grumbled to Karma.

Karma frowned at her wolf, planting her hands on her hips as she argued back with her through their link. "I wasn't being arrogant!...Okay, maybe a little, but still! I figured it was obvious what they were plotting!"

Alessia snorted at the girl in response. Childishly, Karma stuck her tongue out at the wolf.

"Would you two stop whatever it is you're doing?" Christina scolded, not privy to their argument. "Alessia, you can go get some rest. Faith and I will keep watch over Karma" she instructed as her own wolf sauntered up to them. With the fog lifted, Faith had taken to exploring more of the realm when Christina wasn't around.

Alessia let out a sigh but nodded in agreement. She nuzzled her human, saying "be careful, but don't be an ass. Call me if you need me, and I'll be there" she assured her.

Karma smiled at her wolf, stroking the soft fur of her nose. "How can I be anything but an ass if you're not there to fill me with sunshine and rainbows?" She asked sarcastically, aloud so her mother could hear her too.

Alessia rolled her eyes again then turned around to leave, making sure to whack Karma with her tail as she did. She didn't bother looking back at Karma's indignant cry of "hey!", and just went off to find a cozy place to sleep.

Christina was smiling at the exchange, shaking her head. "You two are nuts" she said with a chuckle.

Karma gave her a grin, shrugging her shoulders. "Maybe a little" she said, winking one of her beautiful green eyes.

"Let's get you ready" Christina said, stepping forward to help Karma tuck her auburn hair securely under her hood. Once they had the Spectre's outfit perfectly in place, the two sat and waited.

At 8:20 sharp, the Queen entered the garden alone. She walked through the garden, brushing her fingers delicately over some of the colourful blooms as she went. Despite the fact that she was about to meet an infamous "killer", the Queen seemed completely at ease. After several moments of roaming her garden, she settled on a small clearing under cover of some large, leafy trees. She sat down on an ornate bench, and began to look around for her guest.

Karma was perplexed by her ease, looking at her mother to see if she was missing anything. Christina was frowning, equally as confused as her daughter. She merely shook her head to express that she didn't understand either.

Karma rolled her shoulders, deciding it didn't matter what they had up their sleeves. She'd find a way out if she needed to, but for now she'd have to let Alessia's optimism reign. She took her wolf's outlook, and hoped for the best as the clock struck 8:30am. Like the apparition she was named after, she stepped through her own gateway to the Queen's Garden and appeared before her.

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