Chapter 74

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"You mean the Prince? Prince Chance? It figures you'd bring him here, you thought you were so smart hiding the pack house in this mountain where nobody could find you...Too bad for you that my sister didn't know our whole family was in on her torture" Sadie said with a laugh. "She never did find out who her mate was sleeping with, did she?" She asked mockingly.

"Remind me to deal with that later" Karma said angrily. "Right now, I want to know where Chance is. Is he okay?" She demanded, but she'd already disappeared into the Lupine realm and was staring through a window into the bathroom. What she saw had her trembling with rage.

Sadie had a silver dagger pressed against Chance's throat, and she was standing in the middle of Karma's bedroom with several other wolves around her. Sadie had Chance's phone on speaker so everyone could hear, Chance included.

"He is...For now" Sadie said with a ruthless giggle.

"Karma!" Came Alessia's voice, interrupting Karma's anger.

"You found him?!" Karma asked urgently.

"I did! Come to me!" Alessia replied excitedly.

"Not a moment too soon, the enemy has Chance" Karma explained, opening another doorway to reach her wolf.

"I knew we shouldn't have left him!" Alessia snarled in response, her teeth bared as Karma appeared before her.

"Listen, Sadie, you don't understand what you're doing" Karma said to her nemesis. "Who are you doing this for?"

"Oh, this? Nobody. This was incidental" Sadie explained with a smirk. "I'm really after you, but imagine my shock to find the Prince in your room! And telling me he's your chosen mate, at that!" She added with a cackle. "Fate is too kind sometimes."

Karma grit her teeth, walking over to Xander, hoping she could reach him. "If you're not doing this for anybody, why do it? What do you want?"  She demanded, kneeling next to her mate.

"Easy. The Prince is basically a write-off now that we know he's mated to a man. He'll die off on his own, and the crown's getting tossed anyways...You, though. You've pissed off a lot of powerful people, and they will pay a pretty penny for your pretty head" Sadie explained with a grin.

Karma ran her fingers through Xander's fur gently, gasping at the feel of sparks that licked along her skin as she did. Eyes wide in wonder, she repeated the action, relishing in the pleasurable tingle instead of getting angry at Sadie's words.

Sadie misinterpreted Karma's gasp, and thought she was gasping at the information that was just shared. This caused Sadie to let out a cackle before saying "if you behave, maybe I can let them cut your head off so you get to live a bit longer...So, what do you say? Will you trade your life for your 'chosen mate'? Or should I just slit his throat and find another way to trap you?"

Karma closed her eyes and reached out to Xander, nearly instantly feeling his consciousness. "Xander, you need to return to Chance" she urged.

"Who are you?!" Xander demanded with a growl.

"Your mate, and I need to you go back to Chance or he'll be killed" she explained quickly.

"Liar!" He roared, unable to feel a connection since he was denying her further entrance to his conscience.

"No! I'm not lying! Please! Go back to Chance and I can prove it!" She begged.

"Leave me!" He bellowed, refusing to listen.

"Xander...You can choose to leave again if I'm lying, but if you don't return, you both may die" she explained, frustrated tears welling in her eyes. "Please, I am begging you!"

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