Chapter 26

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Karma opened her eyes, finding herself lying in the grass under a twinkling, starry-night sky. She sat up and looked down to find she was no longer in her black wardrobe; but in a simple white dress. The wounds she expected to transfer from Alessia to herself were also nowhere to be seen.

"Hello, Karma" came the melodic voice of the Moon Goddess, bringing a sense of understanding to Karma. Of course she was with the Moon Goddess, she was dead.

"Hello, Goddess" she said as she got to her feet, then turned towards the voice. She was startled to see that she was not alone with the Moon Goddess, though. An equally unharmed Russell was on his knees before their deity.

"What is he doing here?" Karma demanded more sharply than she ought to, given she was speaking to her creator.

Nonetheless, the celestial being simply smiled at Karma, unbothered by her tone. "Well, I had hoped for your reunion to go differently than it has" she admitted. "And so I have decided to bring you here to finish it, where death cannot separate you."

Karma raised an eyebrow, surprised that it mattered to the Goddess how the two of them died. "Finish it how?" she asked.

"Originally, what you wished for was the power to stop your mother's pain...However, I am afraid that the only one who can truly do that is the man before us." She explained. "I gave you the ability to stop him from torturing her; but he still holds power over her heart. He is her mate, and even with the bond broken, she cannot forget the love they had."

Karma frowned, looking down at Russell. His forehead was pressed to the ground, he was bowing so low; although, the closer Karma looked, the more she realized he was completely still. Despite her conversation with the Goddess, he seemed completely oblivious; as if he had been frozen in time.

"He is in limbo" the Goddess explained, noting Karma's confusion.

"Oh...I see" Karma said, nodding as if that was normal. "Alright, well...How do I help my mother? I can't make her forget him, can I?" Karma wondered aloud, deciding not to focus on the frozen Russell.

"You can do nearly anything you wish, my child. You have a piece of me within your soul, and as such you have vast power. You could make her forget, but would that change the longing in her heart?" The Goddess inquired.

"I don't know" Karma answered, honestly not knowing. "I just killed him, so it's not like he can go back and make things right. Not that I'd want him to, anyways" she said with a sigh.

The Moon Goddess smiled at Karma, taking her hands in her own. "If you wished to save his life, it could be done. You wished to save your mother, to be her vindicator and clear her name of all of the things your father said about her. You wanted to protect her, and erase her pain; however...One thing you have done for the others, that your mother did not get the option to experience, was the option to return to their mate if they so wished."

Karma opened her mouth to object, but didn't. She realized what the immortal was getting at, but then didn't understand why it mattered. They were both dead.

"I am, frankly, disgusted by your father's attitude, behaviour, and actions...But, I am concerned that you will live with the regret of having killed him once your mother learns of his fate" the Goddess continued.

This time, Karma did speak up. "Live with regret? But...I couldn't have survived what happened" she said, looking as confused as she sounded.

"You are immortal now, Karma. Until you choose it, your time will not come" the Goddess explained with a musical giggle. "You may return, and leave him with me, if that is what you desire...I merely wished to offer you the opportunity to speak to him. I know that, had you simply wished to kill him, you would have done it through the Lupine Realm."

Karma nodded, admitting to herself that the Goddess was right. As much as she hated her father, she hadn't intended to kill him...Although at the time, she'd told herself it was because death was too kind for the man. Now, though, she realized the truth behind the deity's words, and was glad she hadn't murdered her father through the Lupine Realm.

"You are at the cross-roads of life and death. Time does not stand still, but does pass differently here. I would encourage you to make haste, or the choice to save him may be taken from you." The Goddess warned, kissing Karma's forehead. "Once you decide your path, I will guide you back. For now, I must leave to preserve my strength."

Karma nodded in understanding, then bowed her head in gratitude. "I understand. Thank you, Goddess."

With that, Karma felt a sudden shift in the air. Her hands that were enveloped by the Goddess's soothing warmth were released, and she found herself alone with her father.


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