Chapter 59

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The King stared at Karma for a long time, silent as he considered her proposal. Surprisingly, he did not seem shocked at all by her suggestion; it was as if he expected it which puzzled Karma.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke. "May I ask why you are offering yourself to be my son's stand-in mate? Do you have no interest in finding your own mate?" He asked, but not unkindly.

"No, I have never wanted to find my mate" Karma answered honestly. "In my line of work, I would think you can appreciate the reasons behind that. As for why...There is more to my offer than you know. The Prince rejected Theo despite his wolf's wishes, and after losing their mate, Prince Xander has somehow...For lack of a better term, rejected Prince Chance."

This explanation raised a reaction from the King. His eyes widened, and he took in a sharp breath, letting out an aghast "what?!"

Karma nodded solemnly. "I did not know it was possible, and I can investigate it; however, the wolf side of the Prince seems unreachable by the human side now. He no longer has the same scent, he cannot mind-link with his wolf, and worst of all...He can no longer shift."

King Reggie swore to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "I have heard tales that this could happen...But I have always believed they were just stories to scare bad little Princes into behaving" he said, mostly to himself. Then, he focused back on Karma, deciding to explain. "This is an ability that is unique to the Royal wolves. As you know, the King and Queen can only have one living child at a time...If, for whatever reason, a wolf does not support his human side as the next leader of werewolf kind...He can temporarily repress, or even permanently sever the bond between himself and his human side. The former is to allow the human side to atone for their errors, and right their wrongs...The latter is essentially a death sentence, with the expectation that the current King and Queen will have to birth a new son" he explained grimly.

Karma gasped in shock, surprised that such a power existed in secret; but, also that Xander would use it in such a situation. Even Alessia, ever the Prince's cheerleader, had her ears pinned back in anger towards this news.

"How do we know which is happening?" She demanded.

"I'm uncertain" he admitted. "As I said, I believed it a fantastical tale before now...I will consult with the older tomes in my study, and get back to you...Although, this still does not answer my question. Why would my son being without a wolf lead to your wish to be publicly announced as his mate?"

"We already know that there are Alphas and Elders plotting to start a war..." Karma began. "If a war breaks out, thousands, possibly more, will be affected. I am hoping that announcing me as his mate will give them pause, and make them question whether the Prince and Theo actually were mates...I am hoping it will stop the war from even happening. Barring that, though, it will at least send a clear message of whose side the Spectre is on, which may deter other Alphas from joining the war against us."

Reggie leaned back in his love-seat and took in Karma's appearance. She was still clothes in black from head to toe, hiding her identity from the world. He knew she was Russell's daughter, and Theo's twin sister; just as he knew she was Christina's daughter too. It wasn't lost on him how she'd hid her identity for years now, after having had her existence forcefully hidden from the world. She was only used to hiding, and now she was offering something that would strip her bare and reveal her to the world.

"You are a private person, Spectre...You know that a Queen cannot wear a mask. The people would expect to see your face if we were to announce you as my son's mate...Are you sure you have considered everything that this would imply?" He asked gently.

Karma shook her head with a bit of a smile. "Honestly? No, I haven't considered everything. But I think I've considered the important things...And it doesn't need to be the truth. The Prince likely will not be pleased to be forced into this arrangement so soon after losing his mate and his wolf...So once the fear of war has passed, we can determine a way to set him free once more" she offered.

Reggie couldn't help but let out a laugh at this woman before him, who was so caring and compassionate about her fellow werewolves that she would put herself in such a position. He smiled at her, saying "I would be lying if I said that my wife and I haven't discussed the possibility of proposing a match between you and my son. She is fond of you, and thinks you would be good for him...Whereas I am fond of you, and think you would be good for our Kingdom. In a perfect world, you would have been the one mated to Chance" he lamented at the end of his speech.

Karma blushed and bowed low in thanks. "You're too kind, your majesty. I am simply doing what I believe most wolves in my position would do."

This drew a wry chuckle from the King, who shook his head. "Perhaps a bit naive, but still young...Very well, Karma" he said, using her real name as he winked at her. "Once my son has rested from his latest ordeal, we will tell him the plan...And we will announce that he has found his mate and Luna, then present you to the Kingdom."

Karma nodded in understanding before rising to her feet. "Very well, your majesty. Thank you for trusting my plan."

The King stood to escort Karma from the room. "No, dear girl, it is I who should be thanking you...In fact, the entirety of werewolf kind owes you a great deal. Please, don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything...Understood?"

"Yes, your majesty" she answered before leaving the room.

Behind her, she heard the King call out "You may call me Reggie! After all, you are my future daughter-in-law now," followed by a joyful belly laugh.

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