Chapter 53

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Once back in the castle, Chance wasted no time in addressing Theo. He stopped in front of him, a concerned look on his face. "Theo...I'm so sorry...Please, tell me what you need."

Tom just shook his head, thinking Chance would have been better off waiting for Karma to be gone. She'd clearly taken on a protective role over her brother in the short time they'd had together. Not wanting to be part of the drama that was about to follow, he just left to take their captive to the dungeon.

Karma, though, was primed and ready for the drama. She stepped up beside her brother with a frown. "I think it's important he be checked over by a doctor before anything else. I'll bring him there personally" she said.

Theo let out a sigh, looking at his sister in the body of his rapist. He just shook his head "no" before explaining. "The sooner you're done with her, and she's out of my sight, the better...Besides, you were right before" he said, looking at Chance. "We need to talk."

Karma smiled, happy to see Theo was going to take her advice and actually converse with the Prince. "If you're sure you're okay to do that" she said.

"I am" Theo answered, glancing at Karma to give her a slight smile.

Chance was surprised, but over the moon. He nodded enthusiastically. "Great, let's go to my quarters to chat" he suggested.

Theo sighed, nodding. "Lead the way, your highness."

Not wanting to spoil the moment, Chance didn't admonish Theo for using his title. He held out his hand for Theo to take, and was a bit disheartened when his mate didn't take the offer. Nonetheless, he forced a smile on his face and lead the way.

Karma gave Theo an encouraging pat on the back before disappearing to sift through Tiffany's memories. With a deep breath, Theo followed the Prince.

Xander was pacing anxiously in Chance's mind. "He is not coming with us because he wants to be with us. Do not let him convince you to accept his rejection" he warned.

"I won't" Chance vowed to his wolf. "We will win him over, he just needs to give us the chance to talk. This is a positive thing" he said optimistically.

"Good" was Xander's simple reply.

Chance opened the door leading to his section of the palace. He wasn't going to push Theo to join him in his bedroom, a room he hoped to some day call their bedroom. No, instead he'd settle for welcoming him into his lounging area, and trying to make him comfortable. Make him feel at home.

He lead Theo to a luxurious but modern lounge with a large bar in the corner. Mixed in with the modern ceiling lighting was a video projector aimed at a wall covered in portraits and paintings of the royal ancestors. Chance gestured to a plush, white leather sofa for Theo to sit on.

Theo took a seat, and was visibly anxious. He was looking anywhere but at Chance, and settled on staring at the ceiling above the paintings. He was convinced a projector screen must come down from the ceiling, and busied his mind trying to find the hidden panel.

"Mate is anxious. Comfort him!" Xander ordered.

Chance agreed and sat down beside Theo, reaching for his hand. This only served to send Theo up and on his feet, walking a few steps away. Just when Chance thought he'd have to chase him down again, Theo turned and began pacing. Instead of giving into Xander's further demands to comfort Theo, though, Chance frowned and realized that they couldn't comfort him.

"We are making his anxiety worse! He's been through a lot, we need to give him space" Chance snapped at his wolf irritably.

Stopping, Theo faced Chance and took in a breath. "Look. I've been unfair to you, cruel even. I'm angry I'm mated to a man, but that's not your fault" he began.

Chance opened his mouth to speak, but Theo continued on refusing to let the Prince interrupt him. "What is your fault, though, is not accepting that I don't want you" he said firmly. "What is your fault is that you haven't considered the impact this has had on me. Since I've discovered I'm mated to you, I've lost the relationship I had with my father, I've lost my pack, my home, my future and any hope I had of having a son—"

Unwisely, this time, Chance forced his way through. "That's not true! I have absolutely considered those things! And I want to rectify all of that. Your pack is not lost, you can make a new home, and if you want a son—"

Theo growled at Chance, shaking his head in disagreement. "No! You're wrong, I don't need to make a new home because I have a home! And I am going back to it, and you will NOT stop me! Do you know what else is your fault? That I'm a target! I am no longer seen as a strong and respected Alpha heir! I'm seen as the Prince's mate, a weakness to be exploited! I cannot have a life without wondering if I'm about to be kidnapped and raped again, just to hurt you! I've never, ever been so humiliated, and so overlooked. They weren't seeing me, they were only seeing you! I can't live like that. I won't live like that!" He shouted.

Chance was stunned, he knew that Theo was against being with him. He was convinced if he could just let Theo see and understand what it was to be mates, he'd look past the fact that he wasn't mated to a woman as he'd expected. Hearing him now, though, he realized it wasn't just because he was a man that Theo didn't want to be with him.

Seeing that Chance wasn't speaking, Theo continued. "I mean it. I would rather die than be mated to you. Accept my rejection, or I will end our bond by force" he said with deadly calm.

Jumping to his feet, Chance let out a snarl; however, it was aimed internally. Xander had tried to barrel past him to steal control, and Chance only caught him at the last moment. He savagely threw him back to maintain control, and let out an angry howl of pain before he stormed towards Theo.

Theo was startled by the reaction, and reflexively backed up when Chance walked towards him. This seemed to stop the Prince in his tracks, and he heaved out heavy breaths as he stared at Theo for a long moment. Then, he spoke and said the words Theo didn't think he'd ever hear.

"I, Chance Reginald Lycidas, crowned Prince of werewolves and Alpha Heir of the Royal pack, reject you, Theo Hemming, as my mate."

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