Chapter 75

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Chance felt it before he understood it; that stirring in the back of his mind of another presence. It distracted him, and took him wholly by surprise when Xander charged forth to take control without a word.

Normally, Chance was irritated when his wolf would do this, and chastise him; however, this one time he was overjoyed. Xander was back! He would no longer be a burden, and could actually help in this war.

"Where is she, where is—" Xander had asked, growling angrily and taking Chance by surprise. If he thought that was a surprise, though, he had no words to explain his shock when he saw what Xander was seeing through his eyes. Karma, and her beautiful, enchanting green eyes were before them, staring into their own eyes. Not just that, though, but the shock at the shift of their world as their bond was cemented. Everything in that moment, and every moment before, suddenly became overwhelmingly clear as signs to get the two to this time. To where they would recognize each other as mates.

The euphoric feeling of having his soul nearly whole was more than Chance could handle. He let out a giddy laugh as the realization of what this meant dawned on him. He had a mate! He wasn't an embarrassment to the crown! He would be able to be with Karma forever! He could have a pup with her!!

And the next moment, as Sadie's dagger plunged into his mate's heart, Chance and Xander both felt their world shift again. The blinding light that Karma and Alessia had brought into their lives was extinguished as quickly as it had been recognized, and their anger was the only thing available to keep the darkness at bay.

Watching as the light faded from Karma's eyes, and as her body fell face-first towards the ground while Sadie side-stepped to avoid her, was unbearable. Man and beast alike let out an agonized, infuriated scream as it felt like their last shred of sanity had finally let go. Within seconds, Xander had shifted and was on the enemies in a bloodbath that was over before it began.

For everyone but Sadie, that is. While Chance and Xander didn't know who the others were, or what their involvement had been, they didn't want to give extra thought to their deaths. A quick, vicious ending was sufficient for all of them but the one who killed their mate. For her, they would make her death slow and agonizing, like the agony they would now be forced to carry for the remainder of their lives.

In an effort to escape, Sadie shifted to her small, black wolf and tried to fight her way out of the Prince's clutches. Kicking, biting, flailing, none of it worked—and what was more concerning for her was that the Prince just watched with cold, dead eyes. Like watching an insect buzz around until it exhausted itself, then going in for the kill; that was what Sadie felt the Prince was doing. And yet, she had no choice but to try, because the alternative was death.

When she finally had no fight left in her, a panting and wheezing Sadie just laid limply on the ground under the clutches of the Prince. And that was when her nightmare began.

With golden eyes gleaming, reflecting a rage of unspoken proportions, the Prince began his revenge. He started by biting down on Sadie's ankle, snapping it apart with a crunch. The stubborn she-wolf didn't let out a cry of pain, though, wanting to save face; however, when the Prince moved up to bite down on her knee and shatter those bones, she let out an agonized yelp. Her torment didn't end there, though, with joint after joint being crushed. By the last one, she was howling and whining in pain.

Suddenly, the Prince stepped back and glared down at her coldly. He waited, watching as her crushed limbs slowly healed themselves back together; although, with how they had been crushed and snapped, he knew that she'd have a hard time walking. Still, he watched and waited, wanting to force her to run so his torment could continue.

Meanwhile, Karma opened her eyes to find herself in that familiar spot where she'd always encountered the Moon Goddess in the past. As expected, she looked to the water's edge and found her sitting there.

Walking over and sitting down beside the Goddess, Karma let out a sigh. "That wasn't what I had planned" she mumbled.

The Moon Goddess let out a musical laugh, looking at Karma with a smile. "You convinced Xander to return, though; it will all work out" she consoled.

"Was this your plan?" Karma asked.

"It was what I had hoped for, but the decisions and choices were all yours to make" the Goddess assured her.

"So what now? Did I save the werewolves? Chance still won't have an heir without me, or will you change that too?" Karma asked, laying back in the grass to stare up at the beautiful sky.

"Why would he not have you to have an heir with?" The Goddess asked, amusement plain in her voice.

"I may be misremembering, but...Did I not just get stabbed in the heart?" Karma asked, trying not to be snippy.

"Your memory is good for the short-term...Now, think long-term. What did I tell you when you came here once before with your father?" The Goddess asked patiently.

Frowning, Karma thought back to that time when she was sure she was going to die. She remembered she was at peace because she knew she'd at least been able to save Theo; but then, the Goddess had told her something that she'd clearly forgotten. Her words rang through Karma's head once more: "You are immortal now, Karma. Until you choose it, your time will not come."

Gasping in realization, Karma sat up and turned to her Goddess. "I'm immortal!"

As if speaking to a child who was telling her a well-known fact, and finding it adorable, the Moon Goddess smiled and nodded encouragingly. "You are. And the choice is yours, my child. Would you like to remain with me, or return to your mate? Is this your time?"

Karma smiled widely. "I want to return to him!"

Nodding knowingly, the Goddess replied "I shall guide you back, then, and allow your body to heal."

"Thank you, Moon Goddess!" Karma said sincerely, excited that she would be able to return to her mate once more. Then, though, the realization dawned on her that he may be angry now that he learned the truth.

Sensing Karma's shift in energy, the Goddess reached out to cup her cheek with her hand. "Fear not, my darling girl. Your bond is not something that will easily be broken. Have heart, and return to your mate. He needs you" she urged gently.

Karma nodded. "I'm ready. Please, send me back."

No sooner had the words left her lips, than her eyes were opening back in the mortal realm.

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