Chapter 62

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(Sorry for the delay in uploading, I moved this weekend and I'm sick as can be ughhh. Hope you enjoy!)

Aside from Alessia, Karma hadn't informed anyone of her date with the Prince yet. She was worried her mother would just make her more anxious about it, so she decided to find her afterwards to let her know. She was in the guest room, debating returning to the castle to find something more comfortable to wear.

"Something sexier!" Alessia suggested.

"It's casual, no need for sexy" Karma griped back.

The feud between human and wolf was interrupted by a knock at the door. Karma slipped her face covering back on, then went to the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to find an unfamiliar woman with a rack of dresses on the other side.

"Can I help you?" She asked politely, assuming the woman had the wrong room.

"His majesty, King Reggie, has heard that you will be joining his highness, Prince Chance, for dinner this evening. He insisted on providing you with some formal attire for the occasion" the woman said, her eyes sparkling; she was practically vibrating with excitement.

"So much for casual" Karma muttered to Alessia.

"It won't be so bad to dress up for mate, show some skin!" Alessia howled in excitement.

Karma didn't dignify the wolf's statement with an answer. Instead, to the excited lady, she just offered a polite bow of her head. "I'm sorry to have caused you any inconvenience; but, the dinner this evening is meant to be a casual affair. I won't be needing a..." Karma eyed the different puffy, fabric monstrosities. "Ball gown" she chose to finish with.

The woman deflated a bit, visibly pouting. "They are not all ball gowns! These will all be perfectly acceptable for a casual dinner" she insisted, grabbing a few for example and holding them up to prove her point with a triumphant smile.

Eying the options before her, Karma had to fight the grimace she wanted to make. The first dress was floor-length, made of a gauzy pink material for the top half, with a puffy skirt from her hips to mid-thigh. Underneath, a curtain of silky material flowed out from under the skirt right down to the ground. The second wasn't much better, while the third was at least a bit simpler, even though Karma felt one could land a plane with all of the dazzling stones on it.

"Those still seem a bit...Much, for me anyways" Karma said apologetically.

The woman deflated some more, but remained determined. Dress after dress, she was politely turned down by Karma. It became a war of attrition between the two women, and Karma didn't come prepared. Finally, the most simple and typical of dresses floated by as an option.

Instantly, Karma perked up and nearly shouted "that one!"

The woman, startled but excited, jumped at first from fright, but then from joy. "Excellent choice, my lady! Now what about shoes?"

Karma couldn't help but let out a groan, and her agony continued.

Hours later, at about a quarter to six, she was finally set free. Unfortunately, she was starving and grumpy — hangry, even. The woman had insisted on helping her with selecting everything, right down to her underwear. At this thought, Karma blushed and absentmindedly smoothed her clammy hands over the silky green fabric of her cocktail dress. The light fabric felt amazing, as if it was water flowing against her skin, and the colour matched her eyes perfectly. Her curvy hourglass figure was complimented by the A-line silhouette of the simple but elegant off-the-shoulder dress.

Trying not to chew on her bottom lip from nervousness, since she was wearing lipstick, Karma settled for admiring the beautiful job the aesthetician did on her nails. She was given a clean and simple French manicure, and her toes matched. The simple nude pumps she was wearing hid the beautiful job done on her feet, though.

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