Chapter 69

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A bit unwisely, Karma had already reached out to her mother to check on her as soon as she'd mentioned to Chance she'd be talking to people. His reaction was not what she expected, so she was distracted when her mother replied.

"Bit busy, the battle's ongoing. Both sides had reinforcements arrive" Christina grunted through the mindlink, clearly in the middle of a fight.

"Sorry, focus! Let me know if you get a chance to chat" Karma replied.

"Sure" Christina huffed as she threw grey wolf into a nearby wall. The wolf hit the wall with an audible crack then collapsed to the ground with a whimper. Hating this part, but knowing the wolf would only heal and come after her again if she didn't finish things, she made quick work of approaching it and snapping it's neck.

Dropping the lifeless body from her bloody mouth, Christina, in wolf form, whirled around to check her surroundings. It was fortunate she did, as a large, black wolf with white spots was prowling towards her silently.

"Alpha Jericho" Christina snarled internally, but Faith matched her response with her own snarl at the approaching beast. Jericho was once good friends with Russell, so they were familiar with him and his pack. The pack had no qualms of fighting dirty when necessary, and saw women as beneath them. It would be no surprise if all of the women from his pack were left home to babysit while the men fought. No matter, though, since that also meant the morons weren't allowing their pack members to grow to their fullest potential — one of the reasons that Red Moon pack was always superior to them.

Due to his views on women, Jericho had never been kind to Christina, and she loathed him. It was funny that he was the wolf she would likely be killed by, in a bitter way. For she was well aware of her own limitations; and while she and Faith definitely had him beat in speed and wit back in their prime, she was uncertain if the same could still be said.

What she could say for certain, though, was that she and Faith had never come close to his brute strength, and doubted they ever would. One minor misstep in this upcoming battle would spell their demise.

Despite this, they knew outrunning him would just be dooming some other wolf. No, they would face him, and if they could they'd drag him to Hell with them.

Letting out low growls, the two wolves circled each other, sizing one another up. While Faith was a smaller wolf than Jericho's, she was still larger than most females. A fact that the she-wolves hoped would make the Alpha underestimate their speed. Knowing that they would need every ounce of animal instinct at their command, Christina handed control to Faith for this battle.

After ages passed with the two sizing one another up, Faith decided to go for it and feinted a lunge towards the left. When Jericho fell for it and jerked to his right, she then feinted to her right to gauge his reaction time. Recognizing her feint this time, though, Jericho instead lunged straight at her.

A vicious cat-and-mouse game ensued, where Faith dodged and feinted her way around Jericho's heavy but quick lunges, swipes and bites. Whenever an opportunity would arise, she'd jump in for a quick attack of her own, slowly picking away at the larger wolf.

"He's healing before our damage can accumulate to anything worthwhile" Faith said with concern.

"It's fine, if we keep it up then the blood loss will eventually slow him down" Christina reasoned. "Our stamina is incredible, we'll be fine" she said, as Faith narrowly avoided his snapping jaws.

To anyone who was watching, the battle would seem obviously one-sided, with the large Alpha bullying the smaller she-wolf in circles. As time dragged on, though, he was becoming more sluggish; however, to a keen observer, the signs of wear were showing on the female as well.

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