Chapter 50

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In a slight panic, Karma sniffed around and felt a bit of her anxiety ebb away. The only fresh scents she was picking up were from her and Theo, so that meant he likely wasn't taken by force at least. Her anxiety spiked again, though, when she heard a gunshot and some yelling in the distance.

She took off at a run towards the sound, wondering what the Hell had happened. Pushing herself to run harder when a woman's piercing scream cut through the air, Karma raced across the human's farm. She approached a fence that separated her from a large wooden barn, which she easily vaulted over. When she landed on the other side, though, she was stunned by the scene.

Theo was standing in the nude, hands before him as if trying to gesture to a nervous animal that he meant no harm. A human male was lying sprawled out on the ground on his back, a bloody gash on his head. It was apparent from his lack of movement that he was unconscious, but the rise and fall of his chest told Karma he was at least alive. Standing protectively in front of him, although terrified, was a young, blushing teenage girl. She was shakily holding a shotgun, aimed right at Theo.

When Karma appeared over the fence, the girl shrieked in surprise and accidentally fired the gun. Fortunately, she seemed inexperienced because she squeezed her eyes shut when she pulled the trigger. This allowed Theo the time to dodge the incoming bullet and snag the gun from the girl.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Karma yelled at Theo, causing him to freeze mid-motion; he was about to knock the girl out.

He looked at Karma with a frown. "It would be easier if she was unconscious" he said simply.

Karma threw her hands in the air and let out a sound of frustration. Meanwhile, the teenager began to cry, believing these people were here to kill her; or worse.

Shoving past her brother, Karma hurried to the girl but stopped in front of her without touching her. "Shh, I'm sorry sweetheart. It's okay, he won't hurt you" she promised, shooting Theo a glare as she added "I won't let him."

Theo snorted in irritation, but otherwise just tugged the gun from the girl's hands before walking a few steps away.

Karma pulled out Tiffany's phone and handed it to the girl. "Here, why don't you call a doctor to look at your...Dad? He's just unconscious. We'll be leaving, okay?"

The girl stared at Karma with reddened, teary eyes. She still looked terrified, but just nodded her head, unsure what else to do. Karma gave her an apologetic smile before she turned back to Theo and stared daggers at him.

Theo, on the other hand, pretended not to notice his sister. He just walked away, whistling to himself as he did.

Karma growled in frustration, then ran after him. "You idiot! What the hell were you thinking?!"

Theo shrugged, looking around. "It's a farm, I figured they'd have food...Wasn't paying attention, and stumbled across some humans. They're the ones who started waving a gun at me, so I knocked the guy out and was going to leave when the kid picked it up" he explained.

"What part of 'stay here' was so damned hard to understand?!" She nearly screamed at him.

"None of its hard to understand, I just didn't want to" he said condescendingly.

Karma gritted Tiffany's pearly white teeth together, wanting to snap Theo's neck in the moment. She threw the clothes and sheet at him instead.

"Put some clothes on so we can get moving, or I'm not saving you from whoever shows up to kidnap you next!" She spat with venom in her voice.

Pleasantly surprised to find the clothes mostly fit Theo, Karma was beginning to think things were going to go her way for a bit. She was even able to lead Theo into the human town and find out where they were. With Theo's good looks and her own charm, the two were able to convince the waitstaff in a diner to let Karma use their phone so she could pass the information on to Chance. Once that was done, the twins happily settled down for a meal at the diner.

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