Chapter 15

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"Enough!" Karma shouted in irritation, jumping to her feet.

The twins both looked at Karma, startled.

"I can't listen to this any longer" she muttered, walking to the door of the soundproof room that Jenna had arranged for the four to meet. Karma wrenched the door open, coming face-to-face with a dejected-looking young man.

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Karma remained cool otherwise. "Clarke, I presume?" She asked, barely masking the annoyance in her voice.

The man looked down and nodded. "Sorry...I hate being around both of them right now...It's hard" he mumbled miserably.

"We're trying to fix that, idiot" Alessia snapped in irritation at the depressed lump of a man before them. Fortunately, she was stuck in Karma's head where nobody else could hear her.

Instead of taking her wolf's approach, Karma reached out and grabbed Clarke by the arm to pull him gently into the room. He reluctantly allowed her to guide him in the room, and set him in the chair she had originally been seated in. He looked even more miserable now, stuck between the two warring she-wolves.

Samantha opened her mouth to say something and Karma cut her off. "I think you've said enough, shut it" she said with a slight growl.

The girl's mouth remained open in shock. She thought the infamous Spectre would be on her side, since she was the true mate in this situation. Instead, she found herself at the end of a withering stare from the mysterious she-wolf. It caused her to shrink back in her chair a little.

Without taking her gaze from Samantha, Karma aimed a question to Clarke. "Tell me, Clarke, who do you wish to be with?"

Clarke held his head in his hands, not looking at anyone. "I...I don't know" he admitted.

"What?!" Allison gasped, a pained expression on her face. "But...Clarke, you said...You rejected her! You picked me!"

"I know, but...It's just so hard to fight the mate bond, you don't understand" he said in an anguished whisper. "My wolf is furious with me, and I don't know what to do anymore."

"Hmmm" Karma hummed, narrowing her eyes at Samantha. "Imagine how he'd feel if he knew what you did, huh?"

Samantha's eyes widened, and she paled a little. How on Earth could anyone know?! With the amount of research it took her to find information about mate bonds with identical twins, she was certain the knowledge of twin mates was lost to time. She had been so confident nobody would realize what she'd done. "Wh-what do you mean?" She stuttered.

"What DOES she mean?" Allison asked, pointing her question accusingly at her sister. "Does this have something to do with you telling me that Clarke was waiting for me with a surprise in the woods that night?!"

"She what?" Clarke asked, frowning and looking up finally.

"I-I heard, I mean one of the girls at school—" Samantha stuttered, but Karma cut her off.

"Cut the crap. You lied to get her out of the way so you would be the twin that he saw first that night. You knew whichever of you he saw first would be the one to be his fated mate" Karma said, no question in her voice.

Samantha let out a strangled sort of noise, looking between her sister and her mate with a panicked expression. "I-I-I don't know what she's talking about! That's not how mates work, we all know that!" She bluffed.

Karma rolled her eyes. "Look, I've spent enough time listening to you two bitch at each other. You and I know the truth, and you purposely stole your sister's mate. I'm not asking, I'm informing you that I know. So, you can accept his rejection and allow him to be with your sister if he wants, or I can have my Alpha break the bond forcefully. I hear it's more painful for you when I do it that way" she told the deceitful twin, raising her eyebrow in challenge.

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