Chapter 39

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Karma and Alessia decided it would be best to not tell Chance what was happening. Where they disagreed, though, was whether they should go be with him. Karma wanted to get to business and save Theo from further harm, whereas Alessia wanted to return to Chance since they knew another round of agony was about to hit him.

In the end, Alessia won and Karma returned to Chance's room. This time, though, she entered the castle from a door outside of his bedroom. She approached his door and could hear his whimpers from the other side. It broke her heart to hear how much pain he was in, and she was secretly relieved that Alessia had forced her to come back. Knocking on the door resulted in no response, since the Prince was in too much distress to respond. Karma cracked the door open and peered in to find Chance on his bed. He was thrashing about wildly in his pain, his teeth grinding together and his face etched into a picture of agony.

"Hurry" Alessia urged.

Karma slipped into the room and shut the door. She was embarrassed for what was to come, but since she was in control this time it made her feel a bit better. As she walked to Chance's bed, she began undressing.

Chance's eyes cracked open as Karma approached; her mere proximity enough to ease the slightest bit of his pain. He lifted his head up with difficulty to make eye contact with her, shocked she was back. Unable to get words out, he couldn't ask what she was doing; but, after another wave of pain he decided that it didn't matter. She was here, and that made him feel better in and of itself.

Karma set her folded clothes on the nightstand, once again down to just her bra, panties and face covering. She slipped into the bed on the opposite side of Chance, and with his back facing her she scooted up behind him to spoon him.

As soon as their skin made contact, Chance stopped thrashing and stilled. He felt a cooling sensation rush through him, extinguishing the flames of his suffering. He gasped from both the sensation, and the relief of being saved.

"Thank you" he rasped, turning to face her. He wrapped his arms around her and crushed her against him so that there was no space between them. Automatically, as if their bodies were calling out to each other, they snaked their arms around each other and entangled their legs to have as much skin touching as possible.

Karma had her cheek pressed against his chest, and was thankful her face was covered to hide her blush. She couldn't deny how much she enjoyed the feeling of holding someone, and being held; but, she chastised herself for having such feelings while in the situation she was, and with her brother's mate no less.

"You're welcome...I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner" she murmured in reply.

"I'm not your responsibility, there's no need to be sorry" he replied, dropping his head onto his pillow.

The two remained in a semi-comfortable silence, both turning inward to speak with their wolves.

"I can't believe he's doing this to us again" Chance said sadly to Xander. "Why can't we just accept his rejection? It's clear he is determined not to be with us."

"No. He just needs time" Xander growled. "He felt the mate bond, when we were together in the hospital I know he did. And he apologized!"

"Yes, at the same time saying he'd never be with us" Chance reasoned. "We are making him suffer too, you know. He should be free to live his life, but we are trying to force him into ours."

"No!" Xander snapped. "We are forcing nothing, this was pre-destined. The Moon Goddess meant for us to be together!" He argued.

"But as individuals, don't we have the right to make our own mistakes and not follow the path that the Moon Goddess has laid out for us?" Chance asked.

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