Chapter 19

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In an effort to blow off some steam, Chance had given Xander control and he took to the woods for a run. Neither human nor wolf could get the image of Theo being stabbed in front of them out of their minds, and it was driving them crazy.

"We should just go hunt down every rogue we can find until they tell us where to find the bastard" Xander reasoned.

"That's like finding a needle in a haystack. I bet someone in the Red Moon pack knows where he ran to, we should question them" Chance replied.

"Mother and father have those grounds surrounded, likely specifically to keep us from doing that" Xander growled.

The two sighed, falling silent as Xander's paw pads continued to carry him over the forest floor. They were both feeling the same dizzying array of emotions, from anger to heartache to frustration and more. Unfortunately, despite being prince, yet also because they were prince, there seemed to be very little they could do. And so, Xander continued to run, trying to escape their troubles for just a moment under the watchful gaze of the crescent moon in the sky.

After finally running himself to exhaustion, Xander wandered over to a stream for a drink. Once his thirst was sated, he flopped his big furry body onto the ground and let the sound of the rushing water soothe his anxious mind.

Not long after he began his rest, though, the Queen interrupted with a mindlink.

"Chance, dear, the Elders are gone. Why don't you come back home so we can talk?" She asked, although they both knew it wasn't really a question.

"We can talk perfectly fine through mindlink, mother" Chance retorted snippily.

"Chance" his mother replied in a warning tone, "I understand you're going through a lot right now, but that's no reason to take it out on me."

Xander let out a huff of breath, annoyed. "Why can't we be left alone for a day?" He grumbled to his human.

Ignoring his wolf, Chance replied to his mother with a sigh of his own. "You're right, I apologize, mother. It's just been difficult ever since I found my mate, and I was giving myself some time to wallow in self-pity" he admitted. "I shouldn't have snapped at you."

The Queen's heart broke for her son, but she had hope that they'd be able to resolve the situation. "I know, my love. We will find a way to fix this...In fact, the Elders have helped to come up with a plan to find Russell."

"How?!" Both Xander and Chance said at the same time, perking up.

"Well..." she began, realizing she may be getting his hopes up for nothing. They had to find Spectre first, after all; regardless, she pressed on. "We will find Spectre and get her help."

Chance deflated at that. "So we find someone who is impossible to find, to find someone else who's impossible to find?" He asked flatly. "Not to mention the Forsaken pack is lead by a murdering, kidnapping fleabag excuse of an Alpha" he growled.

The Queen sighed, nodding her head. "I know, that is what we've been lead to believe. There may be more to their story than meets the eye, apparently...The Elders say there are some who speak in favour of the Spectre and her Alpha, and claim the rumours are falsehoods" she explained.

Xander snorted. "I think it's more likely that this Spectre is working with rogues. I don't think we should trust her" he grumbled.

Once more ignoring his wolf, Chance asked "Let's say she isn't evil, then; we still have to find her. How do you propose we do that when we haven't been able to thus far? Nobody has."

"Come home, and we can chat with your father present. The Elders are currently looking for anyone who has information on Spectre within their packs. We can continue our own search while they do that." She offered.

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