Chapter 65

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A/N: Catch up chapter :) Another will be posted tonight!
While Chance was spiralling into an abyss of anxiety, Karma was taking out her frustrations in the Lupine realm. At first, she just went to get away from the Queen before she blew up at her; but then, she decided to use the time in a more productive manner.

Normally, when searching for a wolf, she and Alessia had little problem tracking them down. For whatever reason, though, Xander was proving to be difficult to find. After their usual tactics failed them, the two agreed to split up and just try their luck on foot.

Because of this, Karma was running through the oddly-coloured forest, keeping her eyes, ears and nose peeled for any signs of Xander. Stopping for a breather, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and reached out to Alessia.

"Still nothing?" She asked in frustration.

"Nothing" the she-wolf confirmed.

"I don't understand this...Why can't we find him?" Karma demanded. "I've found every other wolf in record time by comparison to this."

"I've been thinking about that...All of them were connected to their human side. Since Xander has essentially blocked off his human side, maybe he's blocking us off too" Alessia hypothesized.

"Ugh! That would make sense, I guess...Stupid Xander" Karma grumbled.

"You're just cranky because you're tired. Go get some rest, we may have some busy days ahead of us with our mating being announced" Alessia said.

"I swear to the Goddess, if you're saying busy in the way I think you are—" Karma began to warn.

Alessia barked a laugh, cutting Karma off. "No, but now I wish I did mean it that way" she said, continuing to snicker.

Karma just rolled her eyes. "Good night, Alessia" she muttered before returning herself to her bedroom at the Forsaken pack. She flopped into bed, and her head no sooner hit the pillow than she was asleep.

Having slept in her bed for the first time in what felt like ages, Karma slept like a rock. Still, with the night over, she looked back on leaving the palace and felt a bit guilty. The Prince was vulnerable to attack now, and they were potentially on the cusp of war. Really, she should have stayed at the palace to ensure nothing happened.

"While I agree we should have stayed with mate...This is our pack, and we have a responsibility to it, too" Alessia chimed in.

"You're right, A. I shouldn't feel guilty for coming back to check in on things here, so that's exactly what I'm going to do!" Karma announced. So she spent the remainder of the early hours of the morning getting showered, chatting with some of the residents of the pack, and going over her security checks for the surrounding area. She'd decided to do her checks as "Kayla", so she didn't need to hide her appearance.

It was mid-morning before she decided to return to the palace. By this point, Chance had convinced himself that she'd never return. He was on his way to Christina's room to ask for her help, when Karma suddenly appeared before him.

Karma glanced around, looking a little confused. "This isn't where I expected to find you" she admitted, having not paid much attention to Chance's surroundings when she opened a doorway to him.

"Karma!" He practically shouted; and, before he could think better of it, he pulled her into a tight embrace.

Karma's eyes widened, and her face flushed in embarrassment as she was engulfed in Chance's warm embrace. Her cheek was crushed against his chest, and every breath she took in had his calming scent that made her want to stay in his arms forever.

"I was beginning to think you were planning on staying away..." Chance admitted, his face pressed into her hair. He was inhaling her scent in much the same way that Karma was breathing in his.

"No, I just had some things to take care of at the pack. Sorry to have worried you..." Karma offered as an explanation. She frowned, though, when she noticed that Chance tensed at the mention of her pack. Her confusion only increased when he released her from his embrace and stepped back.

"Ah, yes...It can be easy to forget you are not a part of the Royal pack..." Chance said somewhat awkwardly. "Um...The announcement about us will be made shortly...If you are still willing, that is" he added cautiously.

Nodding, Karma gave him a reassuring smile. "Yes, of course. How is it getting announced?"

"It will be announced through mindlink to all of the wolves who cannot be here in person, and it will be announced in person to the whole pack from the main balcony. Mother has offered that you can join her to get ready, but...After what she said...I understand if you would rather not" Chance answered.

"Well...I'd like to speak with my mother about some things, so if you can just tell me where to be and when...I'll get ready on my own, but not because of what her majesty said" Karma said with a shrug.

"Of course...Mother did pick out a dress for you...If you want to wear it" he said hesitantly.

Karma looked down at herself; she was wearing tight, dark wash blue jeans with sneakers and a green tank top underneath a baggy brown zip-up hoody. Looking back up at Chance through some of her long, loose hair that had tumbled down into her face, she grinned. "What? I don't look like future Queen material like this?" She joked.

"You look like the most beautiful future Queen" Chance admitted earnestly.

Stunned by his sincerity, Karma blushed and looked anywhere but at the Prince. She was trying to make her obvious need for a dress a joke, and he went and made it a mushy compliment.

"Awww, I think you like him as much as I do" Alessia snickered.

"Shut it!" Karma yelled at her wolf, who only burst into further laughter.

Clearing her throat, and shoving her wolf to the back of her mind, Karma just looked down shyly. "Well, thank you...I think something else might be more appropriate to wear, though."

"I'll have some options sent over" Chance said excitedly.

"Thanks" Karma nodded and then turned to slip away.

"Karma" he called out before she could go too far. He decided he needed to know about the Alpha of the Forsaken pack before he could let her announce that they were mates.

Hearing him call her name had goosebumps erupting over her skin, and she stopped walking to suppress a shiver. "Mm?" She hummed instead of speaking.

Before Chance could ask her, though, her mother came bounding down the hall and interrupted them.

"I thought I heard your voice! I was just about to mindlink you, where have you been? Let's go, let's go!" Christina said, ushering Karma away; completely oblivious to what she was interrupting.

"Hey! No need to push!" Karma exclaimed, swatting her mother's hands away. She turned to give Chance an apologetic smile, adding "I guess I'll see you shortly...Mate."

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