Chapter 9: The Artifact

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Y/n walks into a room with a War Table in the middle of the room. There Was fragment of an strange stone as A Hologram in the center. 

Y/n: Uh, Griff.

Griff: Yeah?

Y/n: What's That?

Griff: No Idea...

Y/n (Future Soldier): Before We Begin I'd Like You To Meet some non Alternates....

Y/n: ?

Y/n (Future Soldier): People That Aren't Named Y/n....

Y/n: Well, Who Are They?

??? #1: You Might Already Know, Kid.....

??? #1: You Might Already Know, Kid

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Y/n: Barret? From Final Fantasy.

Y/n (Scav): Pretty Much Yeah.

??? #2: I Was Told That We Were Getting Someone New. I'd Like To Meet Him.

 I'd Like To Meet Him

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Y/n: Cloud?!

Griff: This Can't Get Weirder.....

??? #3: I'm Afraid It Can Get Weirder Y/n...

Y/n: Please Tell Me That's Who I Think It Is

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Y/n: Please Tell Me That's Who I Think It Is....

Y/n (Scav): Yep, It Is Tifa Lockhart.

Y/n: So What Are They Doing Here?

Y/n (Future Soldier): Apparently, Things in this universe...Aren't going so well......

Y/n: What Do You Mean?

Y/n (Future Soldier): This Here, Is The Rock Of Eternity. A Wishing Stone Of Some sorts....It Has The Power To Turn A Single Thought into reality...

Y/n: You Guys Know Where It Is?

Cloud: No. It's Hidden. 

Y/n (Future Soldier): We Have One Clue. It's A Riddle.

Y/n: What's The Riddle?

Y/n (Scav): The Riddle Goes, "Keep Your Enemies Close, But Keep The Fractured Ones Closer"....


Y/n (Scav): So Far We've Been theorizing that it's in Niflheim

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Y/n (Scav): So Far We've Been theorizing that it's in Niflheim. The Realm Of The Dead....

Barret: But The Question Is...What's the Key?

Y/n (Future Soldier): We'll Continue this matter later. But We Got A Job To Do....

Y/n: So What Do We Do now?

Y/n (Future Soldier): Follow Me....

(To Be Continued)

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