Chapter 21: Pandora

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Meanwhile at the base of operations, The Y/n alternates were getting Ready to go to Pandora.

Y/n (Future Soldier): All Right Guys, The Next Clue is in Pandora.

Y/n (Chosen Undead): Uh Wait, Wait, WAIT! I'm not stealing Pandoras Box! I've been through enough labyrinths. 

Y/n (Scav): No One Said It was a Labyrinth. Also put your Gear on. We Can't Breath the Air on Pandora.

Y/n (Chosen Undead):.........I'm Dead.........I Can live without oxygen

The other put on Oxygen Masks to survive the environment, Except for Y/n, The Machine and Undead.

Y/n (Future Soldier): What About You? You Need One.

Griff: Not Necessary. We Aura can influence our hosts to do what we can. 

Y/n: You Can?

Griff: Dude, I've sent enough time in your body to know and change your body chemistry. 

Y/n: So...If I had Pneumonia?

Griff: The Fluid Would Just Dry up. And You lungs would function like normal.

Y/n: Okay What About...

Griff: Look I Change body Chemistry. I Can Cure any diseases. I can ever make your body chemistry compatible with the air on the planet. But Without Further a do. Lets Get Going.

Y/n (Guardian): Yeah. Lets Go.

The 5 of them then enter a room to avoid the oxygen from spanning into the entire base and killing everyone of suffocation.

Y/n (Future Soldier): Okay Tifa, Barret; You Guys cut off the oxygen in this room and you guys set a course for Earth-5010JC

Barret: Already punched in.

Barret then sets in the universe classification code as they see a portal open florishing environment. They enter the environment as the portal closes behind them. They look as they saw a beautiful jungle around them. 

Y/n (Scav): Wow.......

Y/n: I seen this place on screen but.......Never in Person...

Y/n (Future Soldier): Well People, Welcome to Pandora.

Y/n (E.R.S): It's Beautiful...........

The Machine then opens his visor to see the sight of the environment. The Guardian then looks towards the Undead Knight as he is watching the creatures thrive in the landscape.

Y/n (Guardian): Not The First Time I've seen something this beautiful.

Y/n (Chosen Undead):....I Have....Been Living Darkness my entire life...But Never knew there was any light in the world....

Y/n (Future Soldier): Come On Guys...Let's Look For this Clue...

Y/n (Guardian): We're Coming Future...

The Group then decides to head out find the next clue. But Someone was watching them in the bushes. The stranger then lurks back into the jungle as the Y/n alternates hunt for a clue. Meanwhile the Alternates then head deeper into the jungle as they look for a clue.

Y/n: So Griff...You've been here before?

Griff: I Have...But I can say this. Don't Piss off the Natives. After the Helms Deep-Like battle in floating mountains

Y/n (Scav): Wait, Floating Mountains? I thought we were in Pandora, Not Minecraft.

Y/n (Future Soldier): We Are In Pandora. Just keep it down....Through these roots.

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