Chapter 28: Brother Vs. Brother

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Jason: Hello, Y/n...

Y/n (Red X): It been a long time.

Jason: You Left Me...You both left me in that abandoned wing in Arkham!

Y/n (Red X): Left You? We Went after the Joker to bring him to justice!

Jason: Yet You Never Did!

Y/n (Red X): The Joker Is Dead!! I Left as robin and reformed as Red X just to find you! Your Grave was empty, So I wanted Answers!

Jason: I'm.....But Brothers don't leave there family behind...

The two stare at each other as the group was watching it all go down.

Y/n: Look...X we don't have to do this...

Jason: Stay out of this!

Y/n (Red X): Yeah, Stay out of it...Go get Scarecrow. I got this.

Batman (Arkham): Y/n--

Y/n (Red X): Just! Go...

The group leaves as the two circled each other. Jason still had his gun aimed at Y/n. Y/n then had his hand over his knife sheathe, ready for anything.

Jason: Gonna Kill me too?

Y/n (Red X): No...You don't have to do this...You can come home...

Jason: You don't understand Y/n...I have no home. My family is dead.

Y/n (Red X): They were my family too!

Jason: Then Join Me!

Y/n (Red X):......I can't do that...

Jason: If you're not with me...Then you are not my brother. You are my enemy.

Y/n (Red X):......Then I know what I must do...

Red X then throws a knife a Jason Gun and Tackles him. The two wrestle for the gun. Y/n is able to grab the gun and manually takes it apart. They both get in their fighting stances.

Jason: Why Didn't You come back For me?!

Y/n (Red X): Ditch You?! I was trying to find You!

The two engage in a fist fight. The trade punches and counter each others hits. Y/n then hits Jason in the jaw. He then kicks him in the side knocking Jason back. Jason then puts on his mask as it glows red. He then drops a smoke bomb that emitted of red smoke. Y/n the waves the smoke away until a red laser had appeared on his head. He dodges to cover and pulls out his knife. He flips it into a X and Throws it to hit the Rifle.

Jason: Nice try...But Hitting or jamming My weapon won't work!

Y/n (Red X): I wasn't trying to Jam your weapon or Hit you.

Jason: Wha?!

Y/n (Red X): It was to divert you

Y/n then breaks the gargoyle to piece and grabs the gun out of Jason's hand. The two fall and hit the ground. They the pin each other with the gun to the ground.

Y/n (Red X): Jason this isn't you! This isn't what Bruce would've wanted. This isn't what our parents would've--

Jason: Shut Up! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason then elbows Red X away and Red X chucks a smoke bomb into Jason's face. Jason waves away the smoke and sees Y/n is gone.

Jason: You Can Run, but you can't hide!

Jason the dismantles the sniper into an assault rifle. Then checks every corner to see if Y/n was there. Meanwhile Y/n was reaching into his bag of trix to combat against Jason. After the years of training with Batman he was taught there was tons of weapons at his disposal, But his powerful weapon: Prep Time.

Y/n (Red X): Lets if you little pop rocks work.

Y/n then throws one at a pillar and one where he was sitting at. He moves and places more around the area. As Jason continued to look around His helmet interface starts to act up. He then turns off the helmet.

Jason: How Are you doing this?!

Y/n (Red X): Bite Sized Jammers. Or as I like to call them: Flashballs

Jason: You're full of tricks Y/n. What happens when You run out of toys?! It's only a matter of time...

Red X then pulls a trigger that activates the disrupters. The mask soon reacts and blinds Jason giving Y/n the opportunity to strike. He punches Jason and kicks him back only for him to catch is leg. Jason throws a punch and Y/n catches it. Jason then punch him in the gut only for Y/n to throw a knife at Jason only for him to dodge the attack. 

Jason: You missed me!

Y/n (Red X): Wasn't aiming for you...

Jason then looks at his rifle only to see a sliced muzzle.

Jason: No need! All I need is 24 rounds...

Y/n (Red X): 12 rounds each. two in the chamber. 12 in the clip. Better start counting.

Jason fire 4 shots at Y/n as he dodges.

Y/n (Red X): 10...

Jason fires two more and X dodges the other two as well.

Y/n (Red X): 9...

Jason continues to fire at Red X, But he uses his wrist guards to block his next bullets as he continues counting down.

Y/n (Red X): 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3...

X then throws a knife into the muzzle and the next shot fired causes the gun to explode in his hand. Jason then fires the next shot and dodges the bullet.

Y/n (Red X): 2...


Y/n (Red X): 1...


X then grabs Jason's throat and gun and hold it in forcing the shot in the chamber to be released. Red X then pushes Jason away and in an attempt to return the attack Jason goes for a punch and misses. X then punches Jason's helmet knocking him back. He goes for another punch but stops only see his broken brother.

Jason: You...Did this to me! This is....This your fault....

Y/n (Red X):....Jason...We were brothers once--

Jason: Once...

Y/n (Red X): You don't have to be alone. Come back with me...Be Brothers Again!

Jason then drops a smoke bomb and Red X waves away the smoke only to see no one there.

Y/n (Red X): We'll meet again brother. There is still a home for you with Bruce.

(To Be Continued)

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