Chapter 2: New Home and Game

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Y/n and his team had apprehended The Doctor. They Were Taking him back to MAG's New Base.

Doctor Eggman: Where Are You Taking Me?!

Kate: Back To Base, Robotnik. Back To Base.

Doctor Eggman: NO! I'll Find A Way To Break Out. You HEAR ME!

Iron Man: Actually You're going in a cell with your old pals. They'll be happy to see you.

Doctor Eggman: Crap....

As Kate and Tony Take him to the Ship. Meanwhile Y/n, Doomguy, Master Chief; Ghost, Alita and Sonic were informing Bloodsport on the mission.

Bloodsport: So, How Did The Mission Go?

Bloodsport: So, How Did The Mission Go?

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Ghost: Mission Was A Success, Sir.

Sonic: Robotnik on his way to you.

Bloodsport: That It For The Three.

Y/n:.......Is There Any Word On Shadowkeep?

Bloodsport: So Far No. They've Been Dormant after Gyules dissappeared.

???: He's Right, I Me and T'Challa Cleared Out A Vault. They're Running Low on Resources.

Black Panther: He's Right, We Interrogated a Unit

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Black Panther: He's Right, We Interrogated a Unit. He Says There's Bases All Around the Multiverse.

 He Says There's Bases All Around the Multiverse

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