
571 9 0

Name: Y/n L/n

Eye Color: Y/E/C

Height: Y/H

Aliases: L/n (By Kratos), Glowstick (By Faith), Strobelight (By Hawkeye and Spidey), Blockhead (By Alita, Tony)

Affiliations: RED, M.A.G (Multiverse AnomalyContainment Group), The Y/n Army

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good

Likes: Gaming, Pizza, Alita, Venom, Kratos, Delsin, Bloodsport, Helping Others in need, Exploring new universes

Dislikes:  Gyules, Shadowkeep, Dictators, Gyules threatening to hurt his friends, Gyules overall 

Powers and Abilities:

- Superhuman Strength

- Superhuman Agility

- Multiversial Analogy

- Aura Concentration

- Rage Mode (Super-Osraighn)

- Astral Aura Projection

- Superhuman Durability

Love Interest: Alita

Love Interest: Alita

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