Chapter 30: Sewer Invasion

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As Y/n stirs awake he sees the people that are invading are in fact not Shadowkeep. It was the Foot Meaning only one thing... 

Y/n: Shredder...Hey Griff, You still there?

Griff: Yeah. Why?

Y/n: Tell Me Something New...

Griff: Okay, Your aura aka me, has few tricks and secrets on display. Trick number 1: Condensing you body mass.

Y/n: Meaning?

Griff: You can become bullet proof without the Aura surrounding you.

Y/n: Let's put this to the test...Shall we?

Y/n then is shot at by multiple foot soldiers and shoulders into two of them before whiplashing the other in the face.

Y/n: Thanks Griff

Griff: No problem...


Y/n then sees his variant rushing other foot soldiers as he was use his claws to cut the rifle apart and plunges his claws into a few of the soldiers. Y/n the goes to his location and hurls himself towards a foot soldier knocking him out.

Y/n: Yo Claws, Have you seen Future me?

Y/n (Wolverine): How would I know?!

Y/n (Sharpshooter): Hey, Guys...We have a VIP Villain coming our way.

Y/n (Wolverine): Who? General Shepard? Kabuto? a thong?!

Y/n (Sharpshooter): Worse *Fires Gun*

Y/n: Oh shit...

They see a man in samurai armor but with a futuristic touch. It had blades on his wrist as he walked in on the scene as he approached splinter.

Y/n (Wolverine): Oh shit indeed...

Splinter: Shredder...

Master Splinter then gets in a battle stance as Shredder leaped onto the platform Splinter was on and began to circle him.

Shredder: Years of trying to recreate the mutagen, and lead me right to it.

Splinter: You won't lay a hand on my sons!

Shredder laughs as he unsheathes his blades, while Splinter twirled a katana in his hands.

Shredder: You think think you're their father?

Shredder runs towards Splinter and proceed to send a series of strikes that were countered by Splinter with ease only to kicked back by him.

Shredder: Very Well...Rat.

Shredder then unsheathes all of his blades at Splinter as he engages in battle with him. Meanwhile the Y/n alternates were doing there best to try and keep the foot from getting in. Meanwhile Sharpshooter had set up a sentry gun at one of the entrances made by the Foot Soldiers.

 Meanwhile Sharpshooter had set up a sentry gun at one of the entrances made by the Foot Soldiers

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Y/n (Sharpshooter): Okay Brock, Do your thing!

The sentry proceeds to fire at multiple soldiers as it starts to do it's job. As for Y/n from earth prime, He was watching the whole fight between Splinter and Shredder. Shredder threw blades at Splinter, While Splinter either dodged or blocked the blades entirely. One of the blades was lead astray near Y/n. Y/n took this chance and run around the arena using his power to throw the he blade like a boomerang. Shredder the recalls all the blades as Splinter gets back 

Y/n: Hey! Oruku Saki!

Shredder take notice of Y/n after hearing his actual name. Under his mask he sends a death stare.

Shredder: You're asking for a death wish boy!

Y/n: Sorry. But I'm 18. Young adult. But I'll make sure that we take you down.

Shredder scoffs at Y/n's comment as he now has two opponents: Y/n and Splinter.

Shredder: You think you can beat me boy?!

Y/n and Splinter fight Shredder as he continues to counter and attack both of their attacks. Y/n swings his fist only for Shredder to catch it. Y/n takes his fist back away from Shredder and goes for a slash towards Y/n, But he narrowly dodges it. Y/n was then kicked into a pillar weakening him. Splinter then leaps towards Shredder and attempts to stab Shredder in the face as he uses his tale to pull Shredder's head back. The two wrestle for control as try to out do the other. Shredder gets the upper hand and slams Splinter on ground.

Y/n: Splinter!

Y/n runs towards Shredder and gets on his back. He then starts to tear some of the blades  and armor off as he attempts to help Splinter the best he could only to hit in the face and thrown into the ground. Y/n gets as he begins to feel the pain.

Griff: I think we over did it...

Shredder: You're good. But not good enough!

Shredder then sends multiple blades into Y/n causing him to go flying into another room.

Y/n (Future Soldier): Y/n!

The future soldier heads to Y/n to help him. As he goes to help him, the loud metal clang of metal was heard.

Y/n (Wolverine): What's Going on!?

Cloud: We're locked in here!

Y/n (Sharpshooter): Oh shit! Kid!

The the group tries to aid Y/n's wounds as the three turtles went after Shredder to see him holding Splinter ready to kill him. As the alternates try to heal Y/n, multiple Foot Soldiers surrounded them.

Y/n (Wolverine): You looking for heat, Bubs!

Y/n (Future Soldier): Stop...We move, They Die...

Y/n (Sharpshooter): Then What do we do?

Shredder: Children...Drop your weapons, Or you're father?...Dies.

The group stare at Shredder as they ponder on what to do. Soon the turtle drop there weapons, The Alternates stand up and raise there hands in air in surrender. As the group surrendered, Shredder punches Splinter in the chest mortally wounding him. The turtles try to go to Splinter but are shocked unconscious. The alternates were then beatdown on there knees and knocked out. Soon the Soldier exited the Sewers.

Shredder: Where's the fourth?

Foot Soldier #1: He's Dead.

Shredder: Destroy this place...

The Foot destroy the lair as Y/n is buried under the rubble. Meanwhile on the surface the other Alternates took notice of the ground shaking as they released where they were.

Y/n (Scav): What was that?

Ryuko: That felt like a earthquake!

Y/n (Assassin): It's them! Come On!

The Crew then dash towards the area the was effected, But they were already too late.

(To Be Continued)

(Sorry For the delay. I know I said this was on hold, But as of today, We're continuing. Beginning of the Web will be on hold until this is finished)

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