Chapter 18: Street Chase

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Meanwhile, The Team were riding in Panam's Truck as the Back was crowded.

Y/n: So Where's This Tarot?

Y/n (CP2077 Nomad): I'll Show You. It's somewhere near a water area of Night City.

V (F): Well We Know Where the Tarot is.

Y/n (CP2077 Nomad): Make A Left...

As They Were Making a Left A Huge Tank-like vehicle then aim at the truck.

Jackie: So Where Did Come from, Before coming to Night City?

Y/n (CP2077 Nomad): I Came From Morocco.

Jackie: Well, You're A Long Way from Home Y/n.

Y/n: We All Are....

As That was said the Tank fires at The Truck but it misses it's Shot. This alerts everyone inside as they take notice of a giant Tank.

 This alerts everyone inside as they take notice of a giant Tank

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Y/n (CP2077 Nomad): The Hell Is That Thing?!

Y/n: Shadowkeep....

Panam: Y/n, What Did You Do?!

Y/n (CP2077 Nomad): I Didn't do this! I would know Who I pissed off, Before asked who it was!

V (M): Fight Now! Talk Later!

The two Vs and Jackie then peep their heads out of the car as they Shoot at the tank. They Didn't realize they were going at high speeds causing them hold on to the inside of the truck for support.

Y/n (Cowboy): How Many of these things are there?!

As this was said another tank comes in but more for speed reasons then armored.

As this was said another tank comes in but more for speed reasons then armored

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Y/n (Scav): Thanks For Jinxing us!

Y/n (Cowboy): I Didn't Mean It!

Y/n:....Panam, Can You keep this steady?

Panam: Sure. What Are You Trying do?

Y/n: Something Crazy!!!

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