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"Make sure your good for Daisy okay?" Daisy is an old friend of mine from when I was a stripper for a brief time, when I called to ask if she could watch Rowan and Crimson she agreed. Rowan has dark hair and green eyes and Crimson has blonde hair and dark eyes.

"Okay mommy" Rowan nods his head, Crimson is currently sleeping since she woke up with a fever.

"Here are the numbers" I hand Daisy "if things get rough while I'm gone" she nods her head.

"Go" she tells me "I'll take care of them as if they're my own"

"Thank you" I smile grabbing my suitcase and purse I head to the airport, right now since it's spring the weather is still chilly so I'm wearing a black tank top with black leggings, black ankle boots and a grey leather jacket.

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~Time Skip~

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~Time Skip~

When I get out of the airport I go to rent a car, I never expected Charlie to pick me up from the airport so I just called ahead to get a rental car. I also booked some night to spend at the hotel in Port Angales.

After a few hours I check into the hotel, once I've unpacked I head to visit the Swans. Once I get there I head up the steps and knock on the door, I wait a few minutes till Charlie answers the door.

"Your here" he says

"And?" I ask "we had a deal, you pay me a thousand dollars to check in on Isabella" tilting my head "unless your backing out"

"I'm not" he says

"Okay" looking at him "are you going to let me in or"

"Come on in" he lets me in, I look around and see it's a pigsty in here "ever since Bella got dumped I haven't had a chance to clean around here"

"Well I'm not cleaning for you" making it clear, turning around I look at Charlie and his pissed off face "where's she?"

"In her room" he tells me "look it's close to dinner and Bella hasn't eaten anything"

"I only agreed to come and check in on her" I make it clear "not to be a maid or a servant for you" heading upstairs I see Bella is on her bed fuckimg some random guy, her door is wide open. Taking a picture as proof that she is the slut and that she doesn't need any help I soon close the door, I head downstairs and see Charlie smirking, so he knows.

"Yeah" I drawl out "I'm leaving, forget the money"

"Wait" he grabs my arm "you can't leave"

"I can" getting out of his grasp "and I am" I soon leave and get into my car and head down to First Beach, it's been some time since I've been there. When I get out of the car I walk along the beach breathing in the air, as I walk I am soon tackled to the ground "fuck"

"Sorry" some teenager with short hair, shirtless and wearing shorts and an upper tattoo helps me up "wasn't looking"

"It's fine" brushing the sand off my body "wasn't paying attention"

"I'm Embry" he holds his hand out

"Lilith but everyone calls me Lily" he nods his head, soon three more guys come over and I recognize one of them "Paul?" I ask, he furrows his brows "It's me Lily"

"Lily Swan?" He asks "wow it's been almost a year since we last spoke" laughing

"Lilith Marshall now" I answer as we hug "I changed my last name"

"I heard you had twins" he looks at me "for someone who had twins you look amazing" I chuckle

"Thanks but it was Isabella who had the twins"
I tell him "she just put my name down on the birth certificate" he nods his head, he knows what Isabella is like. We soon hear a cough and I look over to the two other guys.

"Lily meet Sam, Jared and you've met Embry" Paul introduces "guys this is Lily Swan-Marshall, Lily Marshall"

"Swan?" Embry asks "are you related to Bella Swan"

"Unfortunately she is" Paul growls?

"Are you growling?" I joke but I notice Sam send him a warning look "what are you part animal now?"

"No" he shakes his head "sorry, your sister is such a pain"

"Didn't you sleep with her?" I ask

"And I regret it" we laugh

"So what are you doing back in town?" He asks "last we talked you were the one who growled never coming back and if you did it would mean the world is ending" looking around "and the world isn't ending so..."

"Charlie promised to pay me a thousand bucks just to come up and help Bella, but she's getting all the help she needs right now" I tell them what I walked into.

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