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As we pass by a receptionist Bella asks "is she human?" What else could she be if not human?

"Yes" Edward nods his head

"Does she know?" Bella asks, I mean if this is a place filled with vampires then of course she knows.

"Yes" Edward says again

"Then why-she wants to be one?"

"And she will be" Demetri tells her

"Or dessert" Jane comments and I can feel her smile, soon she opens the doors that look heavy to this big room with three guys in three throne like chairs. In the chairs are three guys, two brunettes and a blonde. The old sad brunette holds his hand up and the middle guy who doesn't look more than 25 if I had to guess takes it and smiles looking at me then to my kids. The blonde guy just looks pissed.

Felix hands me my kids who hold onto my legs, they look around the place in wonder. Jane goes to a teenager boy who has dark hair, same features as her. Must be her brother.

"Sister" so I was right "they send you to get one and come back with two and four halves"

"Four halves make two wholes" I point out, he glares at me but I just stare unaffected.

"Ah Bella is alive after all" the middle guy stands "I do love happy endings" walking towards Edward and Bella "they are so rare" he takes Edwards hand much to Bella's dismay and just stares off into space, it takes a moment before he laughs looking at me "the begging trifecta?" Then to my sister hunger in his gaze "La tua cantante, her blood appeals to you so and her sisters blood is just mouthwatering" looking between us all "how can you stand to be near them?"

"Not without great difficulty, Aro can read any thoughts a person has" Edward tells us "through one touch"

"A soul reader much like yourself" Aro says looking at Edward "yet you can't hear Bella or her sisters"

"No offense" I cut him off "but I only share the same DNA as Bella, she's not my sister" glaring at Bella "never has been and never will be"

"Hmm" Aro looking between us "I wonder if my abilities work on them" walking to Bella "my dear?" She gives him her hand unwillingness in her eyes but does so, then Aro announces "nothing" going to me "my dear" I give him my hand and he takes it "nothing" then he looks at my kids looking to me "is it alright" I nod my head and he crouches down, Rowan and Crimson hide behind me "hi" he holds his hand out.

"It's okay" I tell my kids and they reach their hands out, Aro takes Crimsons first then Rowan's before standing.

"The kids appear to be thinking of a movie, Hotel Transylvania?" I nod my head smiling.

"Do you say blah blah blah?" Rowan asks

"No" Aro laughs "I wonder if Bella and Lilith are immune to all of our gifts" looking to Jane "Jane?" She looks to us and smiles

"No" Edward runs and pushes me behind hard and I fly back, Felix catches me before I hit the wall. Edward falls down in pain, the kids run at Edward and start to hit him.

"You tried to hurt mommy!" They scream, shaking my head I go to them and pull them away.

"Mommy's fine" I tell them, we soon sit on the steps as we watch Bella scream for Aro to stop hurting Edward.

"Jane" Aro stops "go ahead" she turns to Bella.

"This might hurt" she says and Bella nods her head, when nothing happens Aro claps his hands laughing.

"The other one" Jane looks at me and when nothing happens she gets irritated.

"They confound is all" Aro mutters "what to do now?"

"You already know what your going to do" the sad one says somberly.

"They know too much" the angry blonde agrees

"True" Aro nods his head looking to me "don't worry your mate will turn you, but later" I have no idea what that means "but Bella I'm afraid, Felix" Felix goes to kill my sister and Edward gets up then and attacks Felix.

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