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I'm on my way to Forks with Felix, he's wearing some contacts and a suit as we visit Charlie and Bella. I'm wearing a white off the shoulder ruffled crop top with light blue ripped skinny jeans and white heels.

"This is where you grew up?" She asks

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"This is where you grew up?" She asks

"Unfortunately" looking at the two story blue house "good thing we're staying in a hotel" going up to the door I knock and opens Charlie.

"Your here" he crosses his arms then looks to Felix "who's this?"

"Her husband" I keep my face neutral as Felix says this "we're only here since Lily left a few things behind"

"Are you going to be here for Bella's graduation?" He asks "this day is important to her and"

"I'll see her but don't expect me to wish her congratulations" I walk inside heading to the attic, when I left years ago I forgot to get grandmother Swans jewelry and some other things she left me before she died, Bella always wanted them but grandma didn't want Bella to have them.

When we get inside we see Charlie leave but before he does "I have to go to work, I'll be back around dinner" as in he expects me to make it, we look around and it's still a pigsty here.

"Does he expect you to clean up after him?" Felix asks

"Apparently" I mutter "come on, what I need is heavy and in the attic" when we go past a bedroom we hear moaning. I grab my phone and start to record the voices. Looking over I see Felix wrinkle his nose in disgust.

"Right there, oh god" we hear Bella moan loudly

"Bella" we hear the guy she's fucking call out her name, we then hear the board of her bed hit the wall hard. Shaking my head I stop the recording and motion for Felix to follow me upstairs, once there I look around the attic till I find what I came here for.

Opening it I see all the things grandma Swan left in here for me

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Opening it I see all the things grandma Swan left in here for me. Closing it I look to Felix "can you carry this to the car for me?" I ask and he picks it up and brings it to the car, when he does this we see Bella come out of her room with Jacob Black. Bella stands frozen with fear seeing Felix whole Jacob just stares with hatred in his face.

"L...Li...Lilith" Bella stutters "what are you doing here?" She asks

"Just came to pick up a few things" I tell her sweetly with venom in my tone "introduce Charlie to Felix" she looks at Felix with fear that she grabs Jacob's arm.

"We'd love to stay and chat" Felix says glaring at Jacob who does the same "but Lilith and I have things to do today" we soon leave, as we leave I see Bella pull out her phone.

"Do you think we should stay?" I ask Felix "you know, send a message to the Cullens that they can't just skip on turning Bella whenever they please?"

"Yes" smirking "but let's bring backup in case the Cullens tries something"

"Let's bring Alec" I suggest

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