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"Aro sent me to see what's taking so long" Jane looks around before turning to leave

"Just listen to her" Alice tells us

"That lady is pretty" Crimson points to Jane, I stand and hold my kids hands walking down the way. I pick the kids up when Edward tells us to hurry up, I glare at him. When he puts a cloak on he starts to shine like a disco ball and then I think for a moment and maybe they are vampires.

"Let me" Felix offers and the kids go to him and he holds both of them like it's no problem.

"Are you a gladiator?" Rowan asks

"I was" he answers and the kids squeal

"They love fighters" I tell him "They both actually went as a gladiators last Halloween"

"Oh really?" He asks

"Yeah, I've got pictures want to see?" He nods his head and I pull my phone out and show him.

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(This was their costumes)

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(This was their costumes)

"Are you scared?" Edward asks Bella

"No" she lies, she's always been a terrible liar "are you?"

"No" he lies and Jane scoffs

"Who's she?" Edward asks Bella meaning me

"My sister"

"No" I correct "we just unfortunately share the same DNA" looking to them "and the kids do too"

"What does she mean?" Alice asks

"Bella is our birth mom who gave us up" we all stop to look at Crimson when she says that "she put moms name down instead of her own, she's ashamed of us"

"That's not" Bella denies

"It's true" crossing my arms raising my eyebrow at her "why else did you force yourself to stay with me for a year then come home and tell everyone I'm a slut who had twins?" Felix growls then

"Let's go" Jane says glaring at Bella, when we get to a man shaped hole Jane goes down first. Then Alice and Bella, when Alice says she's got Bella Edward goes down next.

"Allow me" Demetri picks me up and helps me down, then comes Felix and my kids who scream with excitement. When I look up I see it's like a two story drop and for them it was no problem, not even a scratch so maybe they are vampires.

"That was so much fun!" Rowan claps his hands

"Yeah" Crimson looks to Felix "can we do that again?"

"Maybe later" Felix says "and if it's okay with your mommy"

"Mommy?" They both ask "please please please" we all watch as the kids do a head tilt and give puppy dog eyes.

"Three pleases, a head tilt and puppy dog eyes" I laugh "the begging trifecta, what's next?" The kids look to each other.

"A lip quiver" Crimson says they show us

"And a single tear" Rowan adds, I laugh

"Alright" they scream with joy then, Felix and Demetri laugh. Bella and her friends just look at us, while Jane had a smile on her face.

"I wonder how Caius will react to them" Demetri wonders, who's Caius?

"I'm wearing earmuffs and a blindfold the next time you two ask for something this big" I say, we soon head to an elevator. Felix, Demetri me and the kids are in the back. Alice, Edward and Bella in the middle with Jane in the front. We listen to some opera music and as we do Rowan asks.

"Why is this lady sounding like she's doing that thing Anastasia did?" I look at Crimson confused

"Doing what?" I ask "and who's Anastasia?"

"She was doing something with some guy all naked and making sounds" Rowan tells me and I blink at them "and it was a movie we found on Netflix called Fifty Shades of Grey"

"The woman was going something Isabella here loves to do with any guy" Bella and her buddies glare at me, I see Demetri and Felix hold their amusement "and what they were doing is something I will explain more when you are much much older"

"Is it related to why you call Isabella a slut?" Crimson asks

"Yes" nodding my head just as the elevator doors open.

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