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The twins and I are waiting in the airport in Italy, I'm wearing a grey top with a black leather skirt with heels. My kids are wearing summer clothes as we wait for Bella.

Soon Bella runs to us with some pale girl with dark short hair

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Soon Bella runs to us with some pale girl with dark short hair. When Bella sees the kids she scowls "you brought children!" She hisses

"You didn't give me an advance to find a babysitter" grabbing the kids hands "now quit your bitching and lets go" when the pixie girl gets a yellow Porsche the kids and I sit in the back. I hold onto them as the girl, Alice that's her name drives very fast through Italy.

"Mommy?" Crimson asks "why is the lady driving so fast?"

"Because there's this stupid guy that lady in the passenger seat is trying to save" I tell them

"Is that Bella?" Rowan asks, I nod my head Rowan turns to Bella and says "you are a bad lady" she turns to glare at him

"Rowan" I scold "best to keep that to yourself, even though it's true" Bella then glares at me "what? I'm not denying anything, not quit your glaring or I'm leaving when this car stops"

"They refused him" Alice says in horror

"So?" Bella has her full attention on Alice now "what does this mean?"

"He's going to expose himself" I cover the kids ears then, yeah I'm a real hypocrite. The kids first words were actually fuck "he's going to wait till noon, when the sun is at its highest"

"God Alice" Bella groans "you've got to hurry up"

"There's Volterra" we look out the window and for some reason I feel this pull that I belong in Volterra. Alice starts to honk the horn as she drives through Volterra.

"Why are they all wearing red?" Crimson asks

"The St. Marcus Day festival" Alice tells them "celebrating the explosion of vampires from the city" When Alice stops Bella gets out "he won't see you coming, your the only that can get to him"

"Where do I go?" Bella asks

"To the center, he's under the clock tower" Alice informs her, Bella slams the door and runs clumsily through the streets. Alice drives the car and soon parks it, I get out and bring the kids "hi I'm Alice"

"Lilith" I reply

"You don't talk much do you?" She asks

"I have nothing to say to you" I reply "how long do we have to wait here?"

"About now" Alice then had us follow her to the clock tower, when she does she stops and says in horror "I shouldn't have brought you here"

"Doesn't really matter now" I say "now does it" she shakes her head and we soon head inside. When we head inside we see Bella in some guys arms, this is probably Edward. I cover the kids eyes since Edward isn't wearing a shirt, then I see two other guys. Both have red eyes, a blonde and a tall brunette. When I look at him I feel complete when I look at him.

"Mommy" Crimson asks "why are you covering our eyes?"

"Because someone isn't dressed appropriately" I tell them.

"Who's this?" The blonde asks

"Lilith" I hold my hand out, he takes it and we shake then I shake the tall guys hand. He is the biggest man I've ever seen, just looking at him and those big muscles of his has me turned on.

"I'm Demetri" The blonde introduces himself "this is my buddy Felix" then looking to my kids "and who are they?"

"This is Crimson and Rowan" I introduce them

"You have pretty eyes" Crimson points to their eyes "their like that of a vampires"

"Thank you" Demetri smiles "and I am one" the kids gasp, as I think for a moment it can't be true.

"Do you say blah blah blah?" Rowan asks and Demetri laughs

"No" he shakes his head

"Why are they talking to them?" I hear Bella mutter jealously

"Because I'm a nice person" turning to Bella covering the kids ears "and unlike you I don't offer my body for any guy to fuck just to get attention" her face blushes a bright red

"Jane" Edward says and I see everyone but Bella go on edge, looking down I see a teenage blonde with red eyes come our way.

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