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~A Few Weeks Later~

"Twins?" I shriek pulling Addison into a hug, she and Demetri just got back from their appointment with Naomi.

"I know" Addison starts to cry "I can't believe it"

"Lily?" I see Felix come downstairs with our luggage, right.

"What's going on?" Addison asks

"Felix and I are heading to Forks" I tell her "for the Cullen's funeral that Charlie is making us go to, but in reality I'm heading there so that Renesmee and the kids can see the pack" it's been a few weeks and Charlie is throwing a funeral for the Cullens with the help of the Denali's, but with Bella he isn't giving up hope that she's still alive. The Cullens were all killed when Felix sent the video of Edward drinking human blood.

"Right" nodding her head "wolf shifters" she mutters "sometimes I feel like all of this is a big dream"

"I know" nodding my head

"We're watching the triplets" Demetri soon appears with the twins "Addison this is Alec and Jane"

"The twins" Addison nods her head "so nice to meet you"

"You too" they both say, she gets a bit freaked out

"You'll get use to them talking at the same time" I assure her, she nods her head.

~Time Skip~

"Mommy?" I look over to Crimson "why do we have to be here? I don't like Charlie"

"Me neither" Rowan complains

"We're here because we have to be" I answer "also you three" motioning to the kids "aren't going to the funeral, only daddy and I are"

"Alright" nodding their heads

"Nessie" I stop her from leaving "do you want to come? I mean the Cullens were your family"

"No" shaking her head "they thought me a monster, well Rosalie didn't buy the others did"

"Alright sweetie" nodding my head, when the nanny shows up me and Felix leave. I'm wearing a black knee length dress with heels, Felix is wearing a black suit with one of his buttons loose.

When we get to the service Felix and I stay in the back, it's about three hours before everything is done

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When we get to the service Felix and I stay in the back, it's about three hours before everything is done. When it's over Charlie storms over to us and demands "where's Bella?"

"I don't know" I answer "we haven't been in contact in some time"

"Then how come my granddaughter is with you? Hmm?" He demands

"Because we have the legal authority" Felix answers "now keep this up and we will make certain that you step down from your role as Chief because this isn't a good look for you"

"Charlie" Renee soon comes over "can we not? Not today"

"Fine" he and her soon walk away

"Can I kill then?" Felix asks

"Might as well" walking away

~Demetri's POV~

Addison and I are heading in for her fifth checkup but also Addison needs to see who her patients are today and I am curious about where she works, when we do we are in the elevator with her friends Cooper and Charlotte who are dating. The twins are watching over the triplets right now. "He's not talking to me" Charlotte tells us

"I am talking" Cooper doesn't look her way

"He's not talking that much to me" Charlotte clarifies, I look at Addison who shrugs her shoulders "I was married, a long time ago" we look at her "Cooper thinks I should have told him sooner"

"This" Addison speaks "isn't my business" the elevator doors soon open, we walk out and head to Naomi. When we do she smiles seeing us.

"There's the happy couple" Naomi smiles

"Hey Nai" changing, Addison is soon in her gown and Naomi does the ultrasound. Addison hears the fast heartbeat like I can most of the time.

"There they are" pointing "baby A and baby B" I hold Addison's hand as Naomi shoes us out babies.

"Their beautiful" I tell her

"They are" when it's over I head upstairs with Addison and there Addison stops seeing an old human with grey hair looking at my mate smiling. I have to hold back my anger knowing this isn't the time or place.

"Hello" he smiles

"Hello" Addison says

"Hello" holding my hand out "I'm Demetri, Addison's boyfriend"

"I'm the Captain" he shakes my hand "Addison's father" Addison walks away "kitten"

"Don't" she says "are you dying? Have a brain injury?"

"I'll be at the Carlisle" he then leaves

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