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It's a movement of blur as Felix and Edward fight, Bella screams for Aro to make it stop. When Aro does it's when Felix has Edward on his knees about to rip Edwards head off.

"Kill me! Kill me!" I cover the kids eyes, they don't need to see this.

"Cover your ears" I order and they do, after a few moments Alice announces Bella will be a vampire that she'll turn her. Then Edward is let go.

"My dear?" Aro looks to me "would you like to head back to Forks?"

"Why?" I ask "Bella means nothing to me and the only reason I came out here was to get Bella to cut ties with me, that's it"

"Ah" he nods his head "then" looking at Felix "why don't you go with Felix and wait for rooms to be made for you and the kids" I nod my head.

"Come on" I tell them.

"So Bella won't die?" Crimson asks sad, Felix picks her up as I pick Rowan up.

"I'm afraid not" I tell them

"Why not?" Rowan asks, Bella, Alice and Edward glare at us and Felix growls threateningly to them. They soon turn their heads.

"Reasons unknown to us" I tell them, we soon wait with Bella and the others in the receptionist area. We hear a bunch of screams and I cover the kids ears.

"What will you tell your father?" Alice asks "he'll wonder why you and the kids aren't coming back" I scoff at that.

"He'll be thrilled" looking to them "Bella's the only one he cares for, not me and certainly not the kids"

"Will you at least be home for graduation?" Alice asks

"No" shaking my head

"What about"

"What don't you understand?" I ask "Isabella and Charlie mean nothing to me, Charlie is a deadbeat dad to me while Isabella is nothing more than a common whore" Bella glared at me "and Renee doesn't even know I exist so..." soon Felix comes over and we carry the kids somewhere else since they fell asleep.

When we get to a room Felix looks at me "this is my room, you'll be staying here for the foreseeable future"

"And the kids?" I ask

"A room is being prepared for them" he tells me "do they sleep together or"

"Bunk beds" I tell him, Felix nods his head. Looking at them "all this excitement really worn them out"

"Yes" nodding his head he looks down at the kids "who's there father? Bella you mentioned"

"She may have birthed them" I cut him off "but I'm there mother and their father I have no idea. Some guy with blonde hair and green eyes since you've seen Bella" Just then my phone rings and I get it to see Charlie, I groan and Felix looks at me "Charlie" I explain, answering the phone "what?"

"Where's Bella?" He demands

"How should I know?" I ask

"She left a note saying you were taking her to Italy!" He screams

"She called me and asked to accompany her and some Alice to see Edward" I tell him "they are on their way back your way, so now she's your problem" I hang up them and go to the bed "I am also getting some much needed sleep" I announce and as I'm in the middle of the bed, my kids go on either side of my and I hold then as we sleep.

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