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"Remind us why you two are going?" Demetri looks at me and Felix. Felix is wearing a suit with no tie and I'm wearing a short black dress with black pumps with red on the bottom and black earrings. I have a red wallet purse with me as I look in the mirror checking myself over dabbing the lipstick on my lips.

"Reasons" I look to them "let's just say today's graduation will be one no one will forget" smiling evilly "now are you ready?"

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"Reasons" I look to them "let's just say today's graduation will be one no one will forget" smiling evilly "now are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be" he grumbles, leaving we go make our way to Forks and once there we take our seats next to Charlie. Felix between my and Charlie since he knows I'll destroy Charlie.

Just as Bella's name is called up the recording of her having sex plays, she turns a bright red as this happens. She quickly gets down from the stage then, after that I have more recordings pulled up. Not all of them of Bella but some of other students. When the ceremony is over the principal goes up to stage.

"I'm so sorry" he says "I promise you the culprit will be found and dealt with accordingly" he soon leaves the stage and when the graduation is over Felix and I stand. Charlie looks at me angry.

"I don't know how" he points his finger at me "but I know you did whatever that was"

"How?" I ask "I have been here the entire time and in case you haven't noticed I haven't been in Forks that long"

"I know you" he snarls like an animal

"You don't know anything" I cut him off "you aren't my father, never have been so don't act like you know me"

"Then why come?" He demands I answer

"Because you wouldn't quit bugging me, then when you called my husband" I laugh bitterly "leave me and my family alone, you have Bella and that's been enough for you for a long time" looking to Felix "come on" we soon leave and as we leave Bella runs and grabs my arm making me stop "yes?"

"What did you do you bitch" she demands

"I didn't do anything" I say innocently "Felix? Did I do anything?"

"No cara mia" he warns Bella then "remove your hand from my mate or you won't live to be turned" she does and we soon leave. When we get back to Seattle we head up to the suite and we see the twins watching a movie with Demetri. A horror film, Felix and I stay quiet as we enter the room. When Felix turns on the lights Demetri screams like a little girl holding onto Jane for dear life.

"Isn't it the girl that supposed to be the scared one?" Felix asks

"Get off of me" Jane pushes Demetri off of her and he falls on the floor, when he stands he wipes the imaginary dust off of himself.

"Monsters are scared of Jane" Demetri looks around "sue me for using Jane as a shield against the things that go bump in the night" he soon leaves the room.

"Isn't he a vampire?" I ask

"Supposed to be" Alec laughs

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